ABOUNDING, in Christ, for the city

Dear Friends,
These past few years have been really exciting at Cornerstone! The Lord has truly blessed our church family as we have grown in numbers, purchased property in downtown Huntsville and started a planning and design process for a new church facility on this site. We now have a monumental opportunity in front of us. Opportunities always bring challenges, but we are moving forward by faith, asking God to provide what is needed to fulfill the mission and vision that He has given Cornerstone.
For the past eight years, Cornerstone has established herself as a church that desires to worship, grow and serve to glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world. I truly believe that because of our vision and mission, the Lord has blessed our church family. We remain committed to the means of grace and growing as Jesus’s disciples. In order for us to remain faithful and good stewards of this vision and mission, it will require a continued investment of ourselves going forward.
Because of the unique opportunities God has placed before us, we are embarking on a generosity initiative. Through this initiative, we are seeking to raise funds to build a brand new facility for our church in downtown Huntsville. Though we have been blessed by the current facility, it is clear that we that we cannot remain. As you can probably tell, we are virtually out of space in worship and Christian education. Therefore, a new facility is critical to fulfilling the vision that God gave us many years ago to be a central, visible and accessible church in the downtown community.
Our theme for this initiative will be called “ABOUNDING: in Christ, for the city.” It is taken from Colossians 2:6-7. “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” I believe that this theme captures the essence of who we are as a church and what we are trying to accomplish for the Kingdom of God.
It is my hope and prayer that you will support Cornerstone’s “ABOUNDING: in Christ, for the city” initiative. Your prayers, participation and financial support are greatly needed and valued. You will find some preliminary information with this letter that will help you begin to pray and dream about this opportunity before us. Additionally, a list of leaders has been provided so that you will know who will be directing this initiative and that you might pray for them. In the coming months, you will receive much more information about this project.
I am very thankful that God is calling us toward this next step of faith. I am also incredibly grateful to be your pastor and to be a part of what God is doing at this time in the life of Cornerstone. May God bless you and make you bold in your service for Him.
Please visit cornerstoneabound.org for much more!
Wilson A. Shirley, Senior Pastor