WHEN: June 25-30th-We will leave after early service on Sunday, June 25th and caravan to Camp McDowell. It is about a 2 hour drive. We will have transportation available for students who attend without their parents. On Friday we finish up around lunch time.
WHERE: Camp McDowell, Nauvoo, Alabama
WHAT: Cornerstone will team up with Joni and FriendsMississippi. There are multiple serving opportunities available. This retreat is for families affected by disabilities. Students and adults ages 12 and up serve as buddies to either an individual with disabilities or a sibling of a person with disabilities. The goal is to provide a safe and fun week for that person so that the parents and caregivers can have an opportunity to participate in activities specifically planned for them. Some adults may be asked to serve in other roles such as nurses, Bible story leaders, recreation assistants, etc. Our hope is that anyone who attends from Cornerstone will be willing to serve wherever is needed!
WHO: Adults and students of all ages. Students ages 13 and below can attend with a parent. Children under the age of 12 will be assigned a buddy or will be in the MIT (Missionary in Training) program so the parent can be assigned arole. The MIT program allows the younger children to serve and learn about serving while still being supervised. Mrs. Paige teaches in the MIT program and it is awesome.