Foundations - Spring 2025
We’re back with our next semester of Foundations! Join us each Wednesday evening from 5:30-7:15 pm! This is a great opportunity to come together each week for food, fellowship, and foundations in God’s Word!
We’re back with our next semester of Foundations! Join us each Wednesday evening from 5:30-7:15 pm! This is a great opportunity to come together each week for food, fellowship, and foundations in God’s Word!
We have a wide range of opportunities for you to serve our children this year. We have opportunities before, during, and after VBS “Upward Bound.”
Join us for our annual Men’s Retreat, this year entitled “Growing in Grace.” Our guest speaker will be Pastor Dave Latham from Grace Presbyterian Church in Ft. Payne, AL.
Join us as Pastor John leads us in a session on “Reading and Interpreting Proverbs” as we prepare for our next Sunday School study. There will be no homework for this workshop.
This semester, the women at Cornerstone (college age and up) will continue studying the book of Acts with an 18-week Bible study written by Nancy Guthrie, "Saved: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Acts.”
We are looking forward to having your family and guests join us for our Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols Services at 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm!
Come fellowship during our Cornerstone family Christmas Brunch on Sunday, December 15 during the Sunday School hour!
Join us on Sunday, November 17 at noon in the FLC for a chili cookoff!
Please help us fill encouraging boxes for our Cornerstone college students as they prepare for exams! Use the signup link below and bring your donated items to the church by Sunday, November 17.
Ladies, please join us for a fellowship baby shower honoring Kerry McMillan and Bre Sullivan on Sunday, November 3 from 2-4 pm in the Fellowship Hall!
Join us on October 27 at 1:30 pm as we celebrate the third annual Reformers’ Cup Golf Tournament, coordinated by Cornerstone Presbyterian, Valley Presbyterian, and Christ Presbyterian!
Men, please join us for a fellowship dinner with a special word from Pastor Wilson. The cost is $15 and covers a steak dinner. The deadline to register is September 17.
Beginning September 10, Women’s Ministry will be studying the book of Acts using Nancy Guthrie’s book, “Saved”. The Tuesday morning group meets from 9:15-11:30 am and the Tuesday evening group meets from 6:30-8 pm.
On September 4 at 6:30 pm, there will be a two-hour workshop on reading and interpreting Paul’s epistles with John Summers in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!
Please help us bless the teachers and staff at Blossomwood Elementary (our neighborhood public school) with back-to-school supplies and snacks on July 31!
Join us on Tuesdays from June 11 to July 23 from 9:30- 11 am for a 7-session study of Colossians with Truthfilled by Ruth Chou Simons. (Nursery provided for ages 4 and under).
Join us this year at VBS 2024: Olympion! June 3-6 from 9-11:30 am at Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Huntsville, AL.
Men, please bring a friend and join us on Sunday, May 19 at 6 pm in the Family Life Center for a night of fellowship and BBQ.
Ladies, please join us for a night of food and fellowship on Sunday, April 28 at 5:30 pm in the Family Life Center. The cost for a regular ticket is $15. Ladies in the College & Career Sunday school group cost $10.
You are invited to a cookout fundraiser on Sunday, April 21st in the Family Life Center after the second service to support the Joni & Friends and Yakama summer mission teams!
Roots Winter Retreat in a weekend camp with fun, relationship building, and hearing from God’s Word. This retreat is for 6th-12th grade. Be rooted in the Word and grow relationally. Get to know brothers and sisters in Christ from our church and local PCA churches.
Men of Cornerstone, please join us on February 23-24 at Alpine Camp in Mentone, AL for an amazing weekend together! The theme is “UNDIVIDED: The Heart of Christian Manhood.”
We will resume our Wednesday night Foundations class for 6 weeks, beginning January 31 from 5:45-7:15 pm in the Family Life Center. There will be food, fellowship, and discipleship opportunities for children, students, and adults.
Let's rejoice together over our Savior's birth with food and fellowship at our annual Christmas brunch on Sunday, December 17 during the Sunday School hour in the Family Life Center!
Please join the Cornerstone Women’s Ministry on November 26th from 4:00 – 5:30 pm as we enjoy a Jesse Tree Christmas Party with cookies and cocoa! The Jesse Tree is a wonderful way to celebrate the incarnation of Christ and the whole story of the Bible with your family each Christmas!
Please join us on Sunday, November 19th at noon in the Family Life Center for a Thanksgiving potluck lunch! The main dish and beverages will be provided. Last names A-J bring a dessert and K-Z bring a side.
Please help us fill encouraging boxes for our Cornerstone college students as they prepare for exams! We have approximately 30 students in college and will be filling a box of fun treats for each of them as a gift from our church family.
Our Women's Ministry is hosting a baby shower for Olivia Clemons and Lauren Hudgins to welcome their first babies. Please join us on Sunday, November 5th from 2-4 pm in the Family Life Center to celebrate!
Warrior Getaway serves American servicemen and women who have visible and invisible injuries as a result of military service. Veterans, along with their families, are provided a safe space for respite, spiritual renewal, and healing. Families experience fellowship with others facing similar difficulties and find new hope in Christ.
Join us for a beautiful night of stories about how God is using Lifeline to serve the vulnerable in the community and across the world!
We are excited for the fall 2023 FOUNDATIONS class on Wednesday nights beginning September 20th, 2023 from 5:45-7:15 PM. It will run for six weeks, with a break on October 18th, and the last class is on November 1st.
This is a great opportunity to come together each week for food, fellowship, and foundations in God’s Word! There will be discipleship opportunities for children, students, and adults.