One month from today, Vacation Bible School will begin here at Cornerstone! We are excited to spend that week learning from the book of Jonah about God’s mercy to us in Jesus. 

What does a day look like at VBS? I’m glad you asked! Each day the children gather together for an opening assembly with music, a skit and a general introduction of what they will be learning that day. from there, they proceed to four different stations: In the Bible story station, they learn that day’s lesson from the book of Jonah. At the missions station, they have the opportunity to hear about what God is doing in His world. This year they will be learning about the ministry of Jeff and Cecilia Heiser in Puerto Rico and will have an opportunity to help collect a donation to send to their ministry. There is also a crafts time where the lesson of the day is turned into a work of art so they can take it home with them. The fourth station is recreation, as that gives them an opportunity to run and play together. At the end, we all come back together for a closing assembly to sing and remember what we have learned on that particular day.

As we prepare for VBS, I’d like to encourage you to pray for the following:

-  For children to come, hear, and respond to the Gospel through the story of Jonah.

  • For our leaders who will be preparing for VBS and serving during that week. 
  • For our covenant children to be strengthened in their faith.
  • For opportunities to share the love and grace of Jesus with children and families who do not know the Savior. 

Also, we’d like to invite YOU to attend VBS Family Night on Thursday, June 13 at 6:00 PM. This is an opportunity to come and hear what the children have learned throughout the week as they will sing and share about VBS. There is a meal served and then a wonderful opportunity to serve with the VBS clean-up team! This event is not just for parents and children attending VBS, it is great opportunity for the whole church to come together and encourage the children as they continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus.


Pastor Brian

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