Dear Friends,
I returned this past Saturday evening about midnight from our mission trip to the Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington state. It was another great trip as we had the opportunity to support our missions partner, Sacred Road Ministries. I am so proud of our team and the way they served.During the trip, we had a chance to work in the community of White Swan, one of the poorest areas in the country. Sacred Road seeks to alleviate oppression of the community through the Gospel and mercy ministry. Members from our team got to help re-roof and re-side a house, clean up trash at someone's home and provide home maintenance services. In addition to working in the community, our team worked on the church property of Hope Fellowship. The church property serves as a home base for summer teams and also a safe place for youth and children in the community to come hear the Gospel and experience true Christian fellowship. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, during VBS our children raised funds to refurbish a Gaga Ball pit for the ministry. Several of our team members got the opportunity to help with this project.In the afternoons, our team went to Totus Park in White Swan. Totus Park is a housing project on the reservation with many children. There is a park area in the project where we played games with the children and they were able to enjoy a snack and hear about Bible study. For some of these children, the snack at this kids club may be on the only thing of substance they eat all day.By the end of the week, we were all tired but we all agreed that not only did we get to be a blessing to Sacred Road and the White Swan community, but we were blessed. It is amazing to see the Holy Spirit of God moving in a place where many in America have forgotten - or just don't know - what life is like on an Indian Reservation. Thank you for helping to send us on this mission trip. This truly was a whole church effort. I look forward to many other opportunities for our church to partner with Sacred Road.This Sunday we will hear a report from some of our team members during the worship service. We can't wait to tell you more about it. See you Sunday!Your friend and pastor,Wilson
