Pastor's Corner - Property Provisions!

Dear Friends,
I'm happy to report to you that as of Wednesday, August 1, 2018, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church owns property on Meridian Street in downtown Huntsville, Alabama. Praise God from who all blessings flow!We now have the work of prayer before us as we discern the Lord's will on next steps forward with the property. In the coming months, your leaders will be gathering for prayer and planning to determine what the next steps might possibly look like. Please pray for wisdom. Please also pray that the Lord would raise up the funds to allow us to pay off the approximately $300,000 owed on the property.There has also been a desire for us to start using the property to celebrate and hold outreach events ... stay tuned! As the weather cools off this Fall, we hope to have some events and possibly even a worship service on the church property.There are many more things happening this Fall at Cornerstone. One of those is Foundations which resumes on Wednesday nights beginning September 5th. Foundations is a wonderful opportunity to come together each week for food, fellowship, and foundations in God’s Word! There will be discipleship opportunities for children, students and adults. I would like to share with you some opportunities for Foundations this Fall.For Adults, two opportunities:
  • Express Your Faith, Evangelism Seminar led by Pastor Wilson Shirley: Express Faith is an evangelism tool developed out of Perimeter PCA in Atlanta. Express Faith is not about intimidation or coercion but truly be-friending people and engaging them with the truth of the Gospel. It is a wonderful tool that not only gives you help in sharing the Gospel with others but it helps you begin the process of making disciples as Jesus has called us to do. This class is limited to 10 participants. Sign up is on a first-come-first serve basis. To register please email
  • God's Big Picture, taught by Pastor Brian Russ:  If someone asked you to explain how the whole Bible fits together (and you only had a few minutes), what would you say? What is it that brings 66 books together into 1 book? How do we see the Bible as a whole book? Join us as we seek to answer these questions and more as we go through the entire Bible in 8 weeks, using a study called "God's Big Picture".

For Students, Bible 101taught by Taylor King:  During Foundations, the middle and high school students will gather together as one, to enjoy a rich time of fellowship, friendship, and laughter. Apart from sharing a meal together and enjoying fun and games, we will also be studying John Perritt’s Bible 101. Whether you know everything or nothing about the Bible, this study will seek to teach students what the Word of God is and how they should read it.For Children, Catechism:  The children will be learning about Biblical truth by studying catechisms adapted from the Westminster Shorter Catechism. They will participate in a combination of music, games, art, written activities and lots of repetition to reinforce the character of God and theological truths. This semester's focus will be centered around the Lord's Prayer, Sacraments, and Jesus' Return.These are all exciting opportunities to grown in our faith. Please make plans to attend starting September 5th!See you Sunday!

Your friend and pastor,Wilson
Property Closing, August 1, 2018
Preparation for Worship - August 5, 2018
  • This Sunday's sermon: "God Is Our Refuge: Comfort from the Holy Temple"- Psalm 11
  • In preparation for the sermon:  "Faith in God is necessary under all dispensations and in all situations. It is impossible to proceed a step in the right way without it." - William Plummer
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Hymn for the Week:  He Will Hold Me Fast
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes or on the Cornerstone App.
  • We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.