Pastor's Corner - What's Your Story?
Dear Friends,
This is an exciting weekend as Cornerstone celebrates it's fifth year as a particularized church of the Presbyterian Church in America. Of course, the Cornerstone story goes back much further than five years and that is why I'm excited that throughout the weekend we will be sharing stories of God's faithfulness to His people and to His church. There are so many stories and too few opportunities for them to be shared in public settings, so I encourage you to share your stories with each other and tell of the Lord's faithfulness from generation to generationKnow therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations. (Deuteronomy 7:9 ESV)I personally will not be sharing my story in a public setting this weekend as I'm excited to hear stories from others. So I thought I would share a little of my story here.It was September of 2013 that I drove over to Birmingham, Alabama from Jackson, Mississippi for a church leaders conference sponsored by The Gospel Coalition. I was supposed to go to this conference with several other pastors from my area and at the last minute none of them were able to attend. So I went by myself and had a lot of "windshield" time to pray and think.I went to conference and was encouraged in Gospel ministry. I don't remember specifically what was said or who was saying it but I do remember that several of the folks leading the conference were from Huntsville, Alabama nonetheless!While I was sitting, listening, thinking about ministry at the conference, I began to sense the Lord moving in my heart and mind in a very profound way. I don't know how to describe it to you other than I was stirred up. Let me be clear, I did not have a vision or some dream. This moving of the Spirit was in connection with the preaching of God's Word. All I can say was that I was unsettled and I knew that it was the Lord making me feel that way.After the conference, I got into the car to head home. I called Laura to check in with her and the kids and then I began to try to describe to her the way I was feeling. To my surprise (and her's) she had been feeling the same way that very same day. She shared this verse with me that was bring her comfort, “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24 ESV)We both agreed that God was trying to get our attention and prepare us for something ... we just didn't know what.After I spoke with her, I told her that I had several phone messages I needed to check on the way home and that I would see her later that evening. One of the messages was a from a friend and mentor who asked me to return his call because he had something he wanted to run by me. I called him back and we caught up for a moment and he said, "I called because I wanted to get your permission to give your name to a pastor's search committee for a church in Huntsville, Alabama." As soon as he said those words, I think I knew why God was stirring me up so much that day.My friend had wonderful things to say about Cornerstone, its people and leadership. He had, in fact, preached at Cornerstone as a guest preacher right after the church was particularized and was warmly greeted and encouraged by the reception to the preaching of the Word. He told me, "Wilson, I think you are the right fit for this flock and I strongly encourage you to consider candidating to be their pastor."At this point, you need to understand that our family was very settled in Madison, Mississippi. We loved our home, my job, our kid's school, we were very content. I was not looking to change pastoral positions but God was telling us he had other plans.I told my friend I needed to pray about it and talk to Laura and that I would get back with him. After I got off the phone, I called Laura and told her that I think I know why God was stirring us so much and I told her what had happened. Over the next few days, we prayed and agreed to talk with representatives from Cornerstone.After that I had many conversations with the search committee that eventually led to Laura and me coming for a visit in November 2013. We had the opportunity to visit Huntsville (really for the first time), visit with the search committee and preach on Sunday. When we drove away that Sunday afternoon to head back to Mississippi, we both looked at each other and knew God was calling us to Huntsville. And the rest they say, is history.Over these past four years, it has been a joy to be your pastor. We love Huntsville and I am thrilled at what God is doing at Cornerstone. I truly believe He is preparing us to be a light, a city on a hill in Huntsville and I'm thankful for our vision of being a community of followers of Jesus devoted to the Apostle's teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer. May God help us to continue to be for the next five years and 500 years!See you Sunday! Can't wait to celebrate with you and hear your story.Your friend and pastor,Wilson