Dear Friends,
How glorious it is right now that Fall is in the air! I don't know about you but I'm enjoying this weather and so thankful for the cooler temperatures. I wanted to update you on some ministry items at Cornerstone as we begin a new season.First, we have officially begun a search for a new Youth Ministry Coordinator to come join our staff at Cornerstone on a part-time basis. Please be in prayer as we enter into this search. The Session is open to a lot of possibilities - it could be a man or woman. Ideally, we would like to have someone in this position who is interested in pursuing local church ministry and could also pursue a seminary education. We are open to bringing someone to Huntsville or having someone local be a part of our staff. If you have any ideas of someone who might be a good fit, please contact Pastor Russ.Second, one of our core values at Cornerstone is fellowship - we love being together and encouraging one another. We have a wonderful fellowship opportunity on Sunday, October 16th at the Kauffman's for a Church-wide BBQ and Blues Picnic. The event will be from 4-7pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors who do not have a church home. Don't forget to RSVP!Finally, I want to continue to keep in front of you the Summer Mission Trip to the Yakama Indian Reservation on July 15-22, 2017. If you are interested, please join us for an informational meeting on Wednesday, October 19th at 7pm after Foundations in room 104. This trip is open to teenagers and His grace and to His praise,Wilson
The Great Cornerstone Dove Shoot Gang! 