Pastor's Corner - Update
Dear Friends,
As I have written before, the Session has greatly wrestled with what to do about masks/face coverings in worship. When we resumed worship on January 17th with a mask requirement, it was truly to protect our flock and slow the spread. We have now met safely for in-person worship services for five Sundays. As hospitalizations are steadily decreasing in our community, and the vaccine is making progress, we are moving to a different policy regarding masks/face-coverings.
Beginning Sunday, February 21st, we will have the following protocols:9:00am, first worship service, masks/face-coverings are REQUIRED. 10:45am, second worship service, masks/face-coverings are OPTIONAL while seated for worship.Please wear a mask/face-covering while moving about the building. As we move forward in ministry together, we ask that you please respect others' decisions on these matters and seek to love your neighbor by following these guidelines. We will continue to regularly re-evaluate these protocols.
This new policy will necessitate a change on March 14th when we begin Sunday School and more people are congregating in the building for longer periods of time. Please wear a mask when you are moving around and cannot maintain social distancing. Once seated, please be mindful of your neighbor and their comfort level regarding masks.
We are no longer holding registrations for in-person worship services. As we continue to work out the logistics on Sunday mornings, remember there is additional seating in the fellowship hall for both services. We will continue to stream both services live online for those unable to attend in person at this time.
Thank you for praying for the leadership as we continue to shepherd the flock during this time.
In Christ,
Pastor Wilson A. Shirley,
on behalf of the Session
P.S. New Sunday Schedule beginning March 14th:
8:30am, First Worship Service
9:45am, Sunday School
11:00am Second Worship Service
P.P.S. Easter Sunday, April 4th, 10am, one outdoor worship service at the downtown property!
Preparation for Worship - February 21, 2021
This Sunday's sermon: "The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus: Christ, the Repository of God"- John 17:6-8
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "Jesus is the "repository" (i.e. source, fountain) of all saving truth that God reveals to the church." - Mark Jones
Hymn of the week: May the Peoples Praise You
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.