Dear Friends,
This Sunday we begin a new series within our sermon series in Ephesians. In the first three chapters, we have studied in depth the theology of the Gospel and this Sunday we will begin in chapter 4 with the application of the Gospel. The remaining three chapters of Ephesians are chock-full of practical application and exhortations.One of the key themes of the book of Ephesians that pastors and scholars have pointed out for thousands of years is that theology really does matter! What we believe matters for how we live. The indicatives of the Christian life lead to imperatives of the Christian life. We have surveyed the majesty and the wonder of God's Sovereign Grace in Ephesians 1-3 and now in Ephesians 4-6, we survey how that affects the way we live.There is often clamoring in the church today that a pastor preach a topical sermon series on current events or practical matters of every day life. While I believe that topical sermons have their place and certain practical concerns of the Christian life matter very much, I more firmly believe in expositional preaching - verse-by-verse study of God's Word.The beauty about expositional preaching is that the main themes and the practical concerns of the Christian life will come out in the regular Sunday morning preaching. And that is true in the coming chapters in Ephesians. Therefore, in the coming weeks and months, I'm excited that we will get to explore some very key themes and practical concerns of the Christian life.Please be in prayer and read ahead in Ephesians as we will explore in our sermon series themes like: spiritual gifts, how to keep from sinning, marriage, parenting, glorifying God in our professions, how to resist the devil, and much more!I can't wait to explore these truths of God's Word with you! See you Sunday!Your friend and pastor,Wilson