Dear Friends,
This past Sunday a town hall meeting was held by the Session and the Facility Committee to provide an update regarding our on-going search for property. While we profess that the church is not a building, it is the people of God gathered together for the worship and praise of His holy name, we also acknowledge that a building serves as a home and an equipping center for the saints. Therefore, we are praying earnestly that God would provide, that He would lead and that He would show us how we may honor and glorify Him in this process.Cornerstone has grown to nearly 300 members and over 90 family units. While this does not necessarily constitute a large church, these statistics are important for us to consider as we look for property and as we consider the future of the church. Most telling about these numbers is the fact that our church family cannot fit into just any space or any building. Wherever we move, or whatever we may build, or anything that God has in store for us, it must be able to safely and comfortably fit our church family.Included in this are safety considerations, building and fire code considerations and most of all ministry considerations. For instance, at the core of our church is our biblical value of discipleship. We believe strongly in discipleship and the importance that it plays in the DNA of our church - from the nursery to our adults. The key program that we have for this core value is Sunday School. The Sunday School program has been the very life-blood of our church since its humble beginnings. Therefore, any building or property that we consider, we want to ensure that we can accommodate the ministries to which we believe God has called us.If you did not get a chance to make the town hall meeting, let me encourage you to email the church office and we can provide you with links to the video presentation of the meeting and some slides. These resources are to be shared among the membership only and not with the community. These resources are important for you to consider because they will give you very specific ways that you can pray - pray for the church, pray for the committee and pray for the Lord's leading.At this time, there are no further updates from the Session or the Facility Committee but we are very thankful for those of you that took that time to respond, pray and help us consider where God is leading our church. If there are any further matters for the congregation to consider, the Session will call a congregational meeting to inform and vote if necessary. In the mean time, please continue to pray.See you Sunday!By His grace and to His praise,Wilson