Pastor's Corner - PCA Distinctives

Dear Friends,
On Sunday evenings this Fall, Ruling Elder Frank Cohee and I have had the wonderful privilege of leading the Communicants Class for our children who are interested in joining the church and becoming communing members. This past Sunday I taught the students on the identity of the PCA and what some of the really important committees and agencies of our denomination do. You too can learn about this by clicking here.
After explaining the important work of our denomination and explaining the uniqueness of the PCA, I went around the room and asked the parents to explain to their children why they are part of a PCA church. The number one answer that was given, and I praise God for this, was a strong commitment to the inerrancy and authority of Scripture. I concur with this distinctive and it too is the reason why I love the PCA. Praise God that we are part of a denomination that does not compromise on the importance and authority of the Bible and it being the sole rule of faith and practice.
A high view of Scripture is not the only reason the PCA is a wonderful denomination. There are two other distinctives that I pray we keep until Jesus returns. Those two distinctives are a high view of the sovereignty of God and a high view of the Church. In 1 Timothy 3:14-16, Paul explains these important truths: "I hope to come to you soon, but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory." (1 Timothy 3:14-16 ESV)
A high view of the sovereignty of God affects everything. If we lose this distinctive, we loose hope in the wonderful foundation of salvation by grace through doctrines like propitiation, election/predestination, and even sanctification. All of these biblical truths are rooted in a God who is sovereign over all things - especially our salvation. I'm thankful to be a part of a denomination that emphasizes these things.
A high view of the Church is also another important tenet that we must emphasize in the PCA. I love how our denomination is ruthlessly biblical when it comes to church government through the ministry of the elders and the onus for church government is placed first and foremost on the local church Session, not from the top down. The Church is God's Church and as the Apostle Paul put it, it is the pillar and buttress or foundation of truth. The Church has been entrusted with the truths of the Gospel and is the agent of the kingdom of God through the authority of Christ. This all manifests itself most basically at the local level. The local church is where the ordinary means of grace are administered. My friend and mentor Ligon Duncan put it best,

"So, when we say ordinary means of grace-based ministry, we mean a radical commitment to following the direction of God’s Word as to both the message and the means of gathering and perfecting the saints. Ordinary means ministry has a high view of the Bible, preaching, the church, the ordinances or sacraments, and prayer. Ordinary means ministry believes that the key things that the church can do in order to help people know God and grow in their knowledge of God are: First, emphasize the public reading and preaching of the Word; second, emphasize the confirming, sanctifying and assuring efficacy of the sacraments, publicly administered; and third, emphasize a life of prayer, especially expressed corporately in the church. These things are central and vital but sadly often under-emphasized, under-appreciated, and undermined."

These are the things God is passionate about and these are the things the PCA is passionate about. Let's all commit to praying that the Lord will safeguard these things at Cornerstone and in the PCA.
By His grace and to His praise,


Worship Notes: November 8, 2015
  • Hosea 12 is our sermon text this week. "By a prophet the LORD brought Israel up from Egypt, and by a prophet he was guarded." (Hosea 12:13 ESV) It will be by a great Prophet that the LORD will ultimately deliver His people.
  • In preparation for the sermon: Calvin on Hosea 12:6 - We hence see that repentance is nothing else but a reformation of the whole life according to the law of God. For God has explained his will in his law; and as much as we depart or deviate from it, so much we depart from the Lord. But when we turn to God, the true proof is, when we amend our life according to his law, and begin with worshipping him spiritually, the main part of which worship is faith, from which proceeds prayer; and when, in addition to this, we act kindly and justly towards our neighbours, and abstain from all injuries, frauds, robberies, and all kinds of wickedness. This is the true evidence of repentance.
  • A hymn for the week: In Christ Alone
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.

Wilson's Weekly