Pastor's Corner - New Sermon Series
Dear Friends,
This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series called The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. Our series will take us through Easter as we do a deep dive into John 17.
Jesus prays this prayer right after a section of John's Gospel called the Upper Room Discourse. After teaching on the wonderful ministry of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers, Jesus now lifts up His eyes to heaven and prays this mighty prayer to God the Father.
In this prayer, Jesus not only teaches us how to pray like The Lord's Prayer, but He actually prays to the Father and in doing so we find that amazingly, He is praying for us!
Martyn Lloyd-Jones comments that a quaint preacher in the 17th century once said this of this prayer, "It is the greatest prayer that was ever offered on earth and it followed the greatest sermon ever offered on earth."
I look forward to studying this great prayer of John's Gospel and going deeper into the heart of God so that we may know Him and know Christ more.
Don't forget that we are now meeting in person for worship at 9am and 10:45am on Sundays. If you want to come but are not sure, our fellowship hall has plenty of room to social-distance and still help you feel a little connected during this time. Masks are required for the time being and it would be a huge help if you register for a worship service.
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - January 31, 2021
This Sunday's sermon: "The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus: The Glory of the Son of God"- John 17:1
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "We see thus, at the very beginning of this prayer, that the primary object of this great and wondrous gospel is to display the glory of God." - Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Hymn of the week: We Will Feast in the House of Zion
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Crossway Easter Resources
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