Pastor's Corner - Ministry Updates
Dear Friends,
I wanted to update you on the ministry of Cornerstone as we begin a new year. I would like to relay these ministry updates to you as they relate to our core values.
WORSHIP: This past Sunday we resumed in-person worship with services at 9am and 10:45am. It was so good to be with many of you. The Session understands that many of you do not feel comfortable being in gatherings at this time. Please know that we understand. If you do wish to return to in-person worship, please know that we are requiring masks for the time being. We are also confident that we have a safe and effective plan for us to gather and worship on Sundays in our sanctuary and in the fellowship hall. Please contact any of your elders if you have questions. Click here to register for a worship service.
This Sunday we will conclude our sermon series on 1 Peter that we began last Fall. It has been a great study as we have held onto the Living Hope that we have in Christ. This letter of the Apostle Peter has been so encouraging and challenging. Next Sunday, January 31st, we will begin a new series on Jesus's high priestly prayer in John 17. This series will take us through Easter.
We will observe Communion next Sunday, January 31st, as this is now one of our new traditions to observe the Lord's Supper on every month that has a 5th Sunday.
Also, we are hoping to have an outdoor Easter worship service at our downtown property on April 4th! Stay tuned for more details.
DISCIPLESHIP: Perhaps one of the most difficult realities of the pandemic is how we have had to restrict and suspend different ministry gatherings. I know many of you have missed Sunday School and other discipleship opportunities we have had in the past. For now, our men and women are gathering in small groups to help us find some ways to learn together and encourage one another. Additionally, the staff is putting together a plan to return to Sunday School as soon as the Session deems it safe and wise to do so. Stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, please be on the lookout for small ways you can serve and participate in the opportunities when they arise.
CARE: Another difficulty of the pandemic is a lack of community. Again, we are working hard to figure out ways that we can have community and care for one another. In the meantime, caring for one another and having community does not have to be organized by the church. Perhaps you and your family could make a meal for someone, go visit someone in their driveway, or even an old fashion phone call. Again, getting involved in a small group can be a great way right now you could connect with others and enjoy some community. We also continue to have folks in our congregation who are sick. Please seek ways to serve and help them.
MISSIONS: Finally, we continue to look for ways we can serve in our community and come alongside our missional partnerships. We have had on-going efforts with Lincoln Village and there will be other opportunities made available in the coming months. In the meantime, please look for ways you can serve and you can reach out. You will see some of the opportunities in the announcements below.
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - January 24, 2021
This Sunday's sermon: "A Living Hope: Strong Faith in an Anxious Age" -- I Peter 5:6-14
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: “Pride is a ringleader and captain among iniquities.” - Charles Spurgeon
Hymn of the week: Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
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