Pastor's Corner - Kingdom Work

Dear Friends,One of the things we are celebrating at year's end here at Cornerstone is our mission partnerships that we have here in Huntsville and around the world.  At this time, I think it would be good for you to get an idea of the areas where we are supporting Gospel ministry so that you can pray and be encouraged that God is using your gifts and offerings to fuel His kingdom around the world.
  • Locally:  Choose Life, Lincoln Village, FCA, RUF, INFOCUS, YBL
  • Regionally:  Scottsboro PCA Church Plant
  • Nationally:  Sacred Road Ministries on the Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington, church planting efforts in Puerto Rico
  • Globally:  friends serving in a Muslim country, France, Taiwan, Costa Rica and Ireland.

Because of your generosity here at years' end, the missions committee has had the opportunity to go above and beyond our committed support for 2017.  We were able to help one of our missionaries buy a car because theirs was stolen, as well as provide some extra funding for some of our church planters. Thank you for trusting the Lord and giving to the local church so that we can do these things.One pastor recently encouraged believers to "Give generously to your local church. Teach other Christians to give generously to their local church. For 2000 years, this is how the news of the kingdom of heaven being at hand has circled the globe!"Thank you for helping the Good News to circle the globe. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!Merry Christmas!Your friend and pastor,Wilson

Preparation for Worship - December 17, 2017
  • This Sunday's sermon: Names of the Messiah: Everlasting Father, Isaiah 9:6-7
  • In preparation for the sermon:  "How complex is the person of our Lord Jesus Christ! Almost in the same breath the prophet calls him a “child,” and a “counselor,” a “son,” and “the everlasting Father.” This is no contradiction, and to us scarcely a paradox, but it is a mighty marvel that he who was an infant should at the same time be infinite, he who was the Man of Sorrows should also be God over all, blessed for ever; and that he who is in the Divine Trinity always called the Son, should nevertheless be correctly called “the everlasting Father.” How forcibly this should remind us of the necessity of carefully studying and rightly understanding the person of our Lord Jesus Christ!" - Charles Spurgeon
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Hymn of the week:  Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
  • We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.
Wilson's Weekly