Pastor's Corner - Home

Dear Friends,

Have you read the local news lately? Just one example is an article that came out this past week called The Dizzying Development of Downtown Huntsville. It is very exciting all that is taking place in downtown Huntsville. I so thankful that the Lord may be calling Cornerstone to be a part of center of life happening in downtown. 

As we begin to pray and prepare about building a new church building downtown, the word that keeps popping into my head is "home." Most of us, when we hear the word "home," think of comfort, of safety and security. A home is where life happens. A home is where we grow up. A home is where we learn. A home is where we belong.

The Scriptures have a lot to say about this idea of home. In a real sense, God's people have been longing for a permanent home since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden. I'm sure in some way, Adam and Eve longed to be in God's presence once again because that was home to them. God told a wandering Aramean named Abraham that he would give him a home and make him into a great family. God led Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt to give them a home. God promised David a kingdom that would be a home forever for God's people. But ultimately, God's promise of a home, would be fulfilled in the New Heavens and the New Earth where Jesus will dwell with His people forever in the their forever home, Heaven.

Home is a good thing and it is a good thing for us to long for a permanent home for Cornerstone in downtown Huntsville.  It’s good for us to pray in expectation that God will provide a home for us. But we must be cautious not to place our hope in that building alone, because buildings do not save us, nor do they bring us into closer fellowship with God. But if this home helps us to connect with God by worshiping Him, growing in Jesus, and serving one another and our community, then that is a good thing and a biblical thing.

I'm praying the Lord will provide us a home. Will you pray with me? 
 See you Sunday. Merry Christmas! 


Preparation for Worship - December 15, 2019

This Sunday's sermon: The Preeminence of Christ in the Incarnation: The Firstborn from the Dead - Colossians 1:18
In preparation for the sermon: The good news of Christmas does not stop at the incarnation. The good news continues to Easter with the resurrection!
Click here for this week's bulletin
Hymn of the week: O Come Redeemer of the Earth
Catch up on sermons on iTunes or on our the Cornerstone App.
We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.

Wilson's Weekly
What to do with a glowing rectangle. 
A Lost Screwtape Letter (Dated December)
Unfettered Access to Evil 

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