Pastor's Corner: "Fellowship"
Dear Friends,One of the things that I dearly love about the Cornerstone family is how we love to fellowship. Meaningful, biblical Christian fellowship is an essential component of our growth in Christ as we share our lives together. Have you ever thought of fellowship that way? Have you ever experienced growth in your walk with Christ just by being around the church family? This is what fellowship does. This is why the early disciples devoted themselves to it in Acts 2. Fellowship brings us closer to one another and closer to Christ.With that said, we have some great opportunities for FELLOWSHIP coming up in the month of June. To start off, our youth ministry is planning some fun fellowship opportunities for the summer. Check out the announcement below about a Lake Day at the Kimrey's house on Saturday, June 21st!On Sunday, June 29th, we will gather together for the 1st Annual Cornerstone BBQ and Bluegrass Family Picnic. You should have received an invite through our email communication system. This is going to be a lot of fun for the whole church, as well as a great opportunity to bring a friend and introduce folks to the Cornerstone family. See all the details in the announcements below.I hope that you are all off to a great summer! I'm looking forward to "fellowshipping" with you soon!Your friend,WilsonA community of believers ... devoted to the Apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. ~Acts 2:42