Pastor's Corner
Dear Friends,Greetings from General Assembly in Houston, TX! It is been a great week of connecting and doing the work of the church at large in the PCA. Your Elder John Bise and I have been busy attending meetings and connecting with leaders in the PCA.This past Sunday, we said farewell to a great friend and leader at Cornerstone, Ruling Elder Ricky Miller. The Lord has used Ricky and Mary Jane in a powerful way to help build Cornerstone and establish our new church. Please be in prayer for them in their new calling. Please also be in prayer for the Session as we begin to plan for officer nomination, training, and electing in the future.In the meantime, your officers are resolved and energized in the work to which God has called us. There are many plans in the works to begin new ministry. Please be in prayer for the Session and Diaconate as we prayerfully consider God's direction.We ask not only that you pray for our leaders, but also pray how you may become involved in ministry at Cornerstone. The Lord has blessed us with many children and there are more on the way! We are in need of some folks to consider volunteering in the nursery or help teach children's Sunday School classes. If you feel that God may be calling you to serve in these areas, please contact the church office and we will connect you with our coordinators.Have a great weekend!Your friend,Wilson