Dear Parents (but really everybody!),This Sunday's text in Ephesians brings up a subject about which I'm VERY uncomfortable preaching: sexual immorality. The reason why I'm so uncomfortable preaching this text is because we have so many little ones in our congregation and I'm anxious about introducing "new" concepts to them. I am going to strive to keep the sermon rated G, but the truth is this passage is rated PG-13. Please pray for me as I try to be faithful to the text yet sensitive to young ears in our congregation.This passage is one that I would not likely select on my own to preach but this is why preaching expositionally is so important. It forces us to deal with topics and subjects that make us uncomfortable. The truth is sexual immorality is a HUGE issue - not just in the culture - but in the Church. If we, the body of Christ, want to grow in holiness and righteousness, then this is an area we must address as it impacts our walk with Christ.If this is an area in which you are struggling and you need counsel, please contact me or one of the elders. We would love to help you in your walk with Christ as you strive for purity and holiness. But most of all, I pray that we will all be assured that Jesus is the answer to our struggle! He died for specific sins so that we might have new life in the Spirit. “For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” (Romans8:13 ESV) I'm praying for you as we fight this good fight together. May God help us as we do so.Ladies, I want to remind you about an important event coming up. Cornerstone, along with Valley and Christ PCA, is hosting a women's ministry conference on Friday, September 23rd and Saturday, September 24th. Speaker and author, Aimee Byrd, will be a great encouragement to you. Click here to register.See you Sunday!by His grace and to His praise,Wilson