Pastor's Corner - Daily Devotions
Dear Friends,
Ever since I became a pastor, one of the questions that I often get is, "Can you recommend a good devotional book for me?" Over the years I have recommended many books and resources to help folks in their Christian walk. I have always tried to recommend resources that I have used myself and found useful in my devotional life. Most recently I recommended some excellent resources for parents to help equip them in discipling their children. You can read about those resources by clicking here. Now I want to recommend a resource that is geared more any person desiring to grow in their walk with Christ.
I would like to recommend a new resource that came out this year entitled New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp. Dr. Tripp has written many books over the years that have been very helpful to the church - this work can now be added to this list.
The beginning of this book is very interesting. For almost 10 years now, Twitter has been in the social media world. For those of you who do not know or understand Twitter, it is essentially like a micro-blog. In 140 characters or less, people and organizations can put whatever information they want. One of the things that I enjoy about Twitter is the chance to follow folks who Tweet quotes, Scripture, or other encouraging things to help me in my walk with Christ. Beyond a doubt one of the most encouraging persons to follow on Twitter is Paul David Tripp. For years, Dr. Tripp has tweeted encouraging thoughts based on Scripture. Somewhere along the way someone encouraged him to take these Tweets and make them into a devotional book. Well that is just what happened. New Morning Mercies takes a Gospel thought or meditation from his tweets and then elaborates upon it to help us meditate on the Gospel and our Christian lives. At the end of each devotion is a Scripture reference that I highly encourage you to read and apply to the devotional material.
So if you are looking for a good devotional book to help spur you on in your devotional life or even just start a daily devotional time in God's Word, I recommend New Morning Mercies.
See you Sunday!
By His grace and to His praise,
Worship Notes: October 4, 2015
- Hosea 7:3-16 is our sermon text this week. We will look at four similes that describe the waywardness of an unfaithful people.
- In preparation for the sermon, a prayer from John Calvin on Hosea 7: Grant, Almighty God, that since thou sees us to be so prone to all the allurements of Satan and the world, and at the same time so void of judgment, and carried away by mere levity, — O grant, that by thy Spirit leading us, we may proceed in the right course, on which we have already entered under thy guidance and directing hand, so that we may never go astray from thy word, nor by any means turn aside from pursuing towards the mark which thou hast set before us; and though Satan may attempt to draw us aside, may we yet continue steadfast in thy service, and thus proceed, until we arrive at that blessed rest which, after the warfare of the present life, thou hast promised to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
- A new hymn for the week: God of Wonders
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
Wilson's Weekly
- What are the ingredients of family discipleship? This article is a great reminder of our call to disciple our children - no matter where they are in life. Click here.
- Almost a week ago now a friend of mine from college lost his five year-old son to a rare form of cancer. To follow the story was heartbreaking but the story of Campbell Dale is one of the most remarkable testimonies to Romans 8:28-30. Read a great article here.
- There are some searching questions for parents in this article.