Pastor's Corner - Communion

Dear Cornerstone Family:

On Sunday, July 12, we are looking forward to celebrating the Lord’s Supper together in corporate worship for the first time in many months. Communion is one of the blessings that we have missed during this season and we are excited to be able to once again partake of this means of grace together.

As we have with other aspects of corporate worship, we have made some adjustments to our communion procedure for safety purposes. Below is an outline of what we will be practically doing that morning:

*Prior to the service, when you enter the upstairs narthex outside of the sanctuary, or the fellowship hall if you are downstairs, you will see a table there with prepackaged elements.

*Each table will be hosted by an elder to assist you. Please take the appropriate amount of prepackaged elements for the communing members of your family.

*The prepackaged elements are a sealed juice cup with a separately sealed wafer on top. You will have this with you until the communion portion of the service, so it’s important to not open it until then. Perhaps encourage children with a Christmas morning analogy, that this gift needs to stay wrapped until they are told to open it. 

*At the time of communion, instruction will be given as normal, with a specific time for eating the bread followed by a specific time for drinking the cup. At this time, it will be necessary to remove your mask fully or partially to partake of communion. We are working on a brief instructional video to help prepare you for how to manage the prepackaged elements. 

*Elders will be available in each worship space for assistance. 

As we make these practical preparations for July 12, we encourage you to tend to the spiritual preparation for communion that day. Psalm 31 will be the sermon text for that day, and in verse 5 of the Psalm, we see one of the last phrases said by Jesus while he was upon the cross: “Into your hands, I commit my spirit”. As we prepare to commune together, let us remember and proclaim Christ, who gave Himself for us that we would have life abundant and eternal.


Pastor Brian

Preparation for Worship - July 5, 2020

This Sunday's sermon: “Learning to Put God's Glory First" - Psalm 30
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon:   You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!  (Psalm 30:11-12 ESV)
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