Dear Friends,
Christmas is a fun time of year at Cornerstone. We have many activities and services designed to be a blessing to our church family. I wanted to comment on a few of these opportunities.This year we will hold our Second Annual Cornerstone Family Christmas. This event is for the whole church. Join us on Sunday evening, December 18th at 6pm as we have some fun through singing and music as well as an extended time of fellowship. I can't wait to hear the Twelve Days of Christmas sung by YOU as we all jump in to sing this classic together.Many of our members have expressed a desire to serve other members in our congregation. Please join us as we bless some of our members on Wednesday, December 21st as we will go caroling to several homes of some of our church family. This promises to be a wonderful time of fellowship and service.Finally, with Christmas Day and New Year's Day falling on Sunday this year, we adjusted our holiday worship schedule a bit. In order for our families to still enjoy time together Christmas morning, our worship service will be at 10:30am with no Sunday School. On New Year's day, we will be back to our regular worship service time at 9:30am, but there will be no Sunday School. Also, don't forget our Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 6:00pm. Come early to make sure you get a seat with your family!
See you Sunday for the third Sunday of Advent!by His grace and to His praise,Wilson