Dear Friends,At the end of the famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus closes His grand exposition on the Christian life by emphasizing the importance of foundations. Who and what you build your life upon is important. Are you going to build you life on sand? The fleeting, temporal things of this world? Or are you going to build your life on the rock? The person and work of Jesus Christ.At Cornerstone, we want to not only build a foundation on Christ but continue to strengthen that foundation by knowing Christ more and more. That is why we began a few years ago a Wednesday night ministry called Foundations. It is designed to help us grow and be established in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.This coming week, Cornerstone will begin its Fall Foundations program. Beginning on Wednesday, September 5th, we will meet for food, fellowship and discipleship. The doors open at 5:00pm and learning opportunities for children, youth and adults begin at 6:00pm. This is a great opportunity for us to be together and learn. This is also a great time to invite a friend or someone that might want to learn more about Cornerstone outside a Sunday morning.All the details for learning are listed below. Make plans to join us!See you Sunday!Your friend and pastor,Wilson