Pastor's Corner - A New Look
Dear Friends,
About this time last year (Spring 2020), at the beginning of the pandemic, we were not sure what was going to happen in ministry at Cornerstone. It did become obvious that for a season, ministry activities would drastically slow down. During that time we began to think about what long-range projects we could begin to work on at Cornerstone. Two projects came to the forefront during this time. One, we realized it was time to freshen up the visual identity and branding of Cornerstone. And two, it was time to update our website. Neither of these items have had a significant update since the church began.
Under the leadership and creative direction of Sarah Robins Powell, we began to think about what new branding would look like and how it might represent Cornerstone. We wanted a visual identity that spoke to our values and our place in church history, and represented the soul of who we are and how we want to represent ourselves to the community. Out of this creative thinking, it was Sarah Robins who suggested we contact Peter Voth to possibly create our new branding.
Peter Voth is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator from Germany. He works primarily internationally for numerous clients in the Christian and secular fields. His work and style is mainly inspired by historical art, the Victorian era, and traditional illustration techniques such as line engraving. Voth is a respected designer in the Reformed world. You might recognize some of his works from Crossway products such as the
Unfolding Grace: 40 Guided Readings through the Bible
and the
After seeing his work, we were delighted that he agreed to take on our project. After months of collaboration with Peter, and the creative direction of Sarah Robins, I'm excited to introduce to you our new logo and branding!

As you can see from the graphic included in the newsletter, we believe this visual identity represents Cornerstone well in its beauty and meaning. It has a classic and enduring feel that we hope conveys that we are a historically rooted church that finds its identity in the Gospel and the doctrines of the Reformation. Below is the concept and thought process behind our logo mark.

Be on the lookout for this new logo and branding that will start to show up in many places at our new building! Also, please note that it will take several months for us to make the full transition away from our old branding to our new.
In conjunction with this new visual identity, we have a new website being created as we speak! Our new website domain will become
. This new website address is more representative of who we are and where we are located. And it's easier to pass along to friends and folks you might invite to church!
The new website will launch this summer featuring our new branding, fresh photography of our church life and soon, pictures of our new location at 1413 McClung Ave.
To God be the glory! See you Sunday!
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - May 16, 2021
This Sunday's sermon:
The Treasured Volume - The Grace of Repentance" - Psalm 38
for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon:
“In this dark world where sorrow so abounds, there is no substitute for trust and hope in God.”
- William Plummer
Hymn of the week:
Wilson's Weekly
Listen to Jack Williamson, first moderator of the PCA, address the assembly in 1973