Pastor's Corner - A Long Year!

Dear Friends,

Where were you on 9-11? .....

Where were you on 3-11-2020? ... I remember where I was this time last year. We had just finished a wonderful season of Abounding and my family and I went to the Smoky Mountains to enjoy some relaxation and beautiful scenery. And that is when everything changed. The WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic and life as we know it changed.

It is hard to believe it has been a year and yet it has been a long year. The Lord has taught us and is continuing to teach us so much. And we are still learning! 

It was also a year ago this coming Sunday that we cancelled Sunday School and Sunday services due the unknowns of the pandemic. We have been through a lot and learned a lot this past year. 

One of things that we have learned is how important discipleship is to the DNA of our church. One of the primary ways that we have promoted this core value of our church is through Sunday School. I'm excited to tell you that THIS Sunday, March 14th, we are resuming Sunday School!

This is very exciting and we give thanks to God to be able to take the next step in re-gathering as a church body. This is especially going to be wonderful for our students and children to be able to gather and learn in a meaningful way. 

This Sunday we must also remember to "spring forward" as the time will change and we must set our clocks ahead one hour. We will also begin a new Sunday schedule with two worship services and Sunday School in between. The details are below in the announcements. 

Please be in prayer for this Sunday. Please be in prayer for all the teachers and volunteers. Please be patient as I'm sure it will take some time for us to iron-out all the kinks with starting a new schedule. 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! See you Sunday!

By His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 


Preparation for Worship - March 14, 2021
 This Sunday's sermon: "The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus: A Joy Not of the World"- John 17:13-16
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon:  JC Ryle's definition of biblical joy:  “It must mean that peculiar, inward sense of comfort that Christ imparts to believers, and which no one knows excepting him who receives it.”
Hymn of the week:    Jesus, Lover of My Soul
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