I trust that you are all having a wonderful summer. I know my family is enjoying the break from school to sleep a little later, fellowship with their friends in the neighborhood and enjoy a family vacation. We are glad to be home in Huntsville to fellowship and worship with the saints at Cornerstone. Below, I would like to update you on a few things.
General Assembly Update: This year Pastor Russ, Ruling Elders John Bise, Frank Cohee and I had the privilege to travel down to Mobile, AL for the 44th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. As always, I left GA with mixed emotions - mostly positive. I continue to be thankful for our denomination. I'm thankful because as one of my friends so aptly put it to me years ago, "The whole church is a mess. The PCA is the best mess I know." We continue to be a denomination faithful to the Scriptures, true to the Reformed Faith and obedient to the Great Commission. And by the way, we have a
new logo! And by new, I mean that we have one, for the first time. It only took 44 years!One of the greatest take-aways from the assembly was when we, as a denomination, took a firm stand on the need and importance of racial reconciliation. This was expressed in the passing of Overture 43. Please take the time to read and pray about this important declaration.
Click here.Dr. Roy Taylor, Stated Clerk of the PCA, details some important information in his report that I encourage you to read.
Click here.
FOUNDATIONS: I'm getting REALLY excited about Foundations at Cornerstone as August 24th is fast on the approach. First, we've added a new ministry opportunity that I hope will bless our women who are unable to attend the Women's Bible Study on Tuesday mornings. Beginning Wednesday, August 24th, during the discipleship time from 6-7pm there will be an opportunity for any ladies who cannot make the Tuesday morning study to meet for an evening study on First Peter.Second, get ready for food and fellowship! One of the things that we often miss Sunday to Sunday is more time to be together as a church family and fellowship. I do hope and pray that Wednesday evening is a time for us to enjoying being together and fellowship around a meal.Third, learning! I think we all can agree that we need to grow in our faith. I'm hopeful that Foundations will be an opportunity for all of us to grow in our knowledge of Christ - whether that is through serving or learning. Pastor Russ will be working with our new Children's Ministry Coordinator, Matthew Elliott, to develop a robust program for our children to learn the great truths of the faith through the catechism. The Junior High students will gather for youth group. Senior High youth group will continue to meet on Sunday nights and those students will have the opportunity to serve the children or participate with the adults on Wednesdays.If you can help serve in some aspect of the Wednesday night ministry, whether it involves children's ministry, the nursery, the meal or other opportunities, please contact Pastor Russ.I will be leading a seminar for the adults on
The Five Solas of the Reformation and Why They Matter Today! 2017 will mark the 500th year of the Reformation. It is truly amazing that God's grace alone has sustained us and built His Church. Join me as we explore the S
olas and examine them for their importance in the past and implications for the future.Can't wait to worship with you Sunday!