Pastor's Corner
Dear Church Family,
This Sunday we will welcome Rodney and Jana Davila. Cornerstone has supported the Davilas with MTW (Mission to the World) for some time now. They have most recently been serving in Costa Rica but God is now calling them to serve with MTW in El Salvador. It will be great for us to greet them this Sunday and here a report of their Gospel ministry.
I wanted to update you all on the work of the Feasibility Committee. After some time, the committee finally received a detailed survey of our current property on McClung. This report gave us lots of information about the property and will now be shared with the architects and civil engineers to see what possibilities there are for parking and other improvements. Please continue to pray for this committee's work.
Also, please keep praying for the LORD to raise up an assistant pastor to serve our students and families at Cornerstone. The Session continues to meet with men and contact potential candidates. Let's begin praying now for the man and his family that the LORD will bring.
See you Sunday! We will celebrate communion this Sunday as well.
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship
August 14, 2022
Wilson's Weekly
Pastor Wilson does not personally endorse every thing said or written in these links but hopes these
articles and/or podcasts will be helpful for Christians in cultivating a biblical worldview.
Last call for LOST and FOUND! Please pick up your items this Sunday in the lobby. The Staff is ready to claim some nice coffee cups!
Promotion Sunday - Promotion Sunday is this week!
Serving Opportunity with our Covenant Children - This summer we are in need of volunteers to care for our children in the nursery. If you are a member and would like to volunteer please sign up at Nursery Volunteer You may also, email Christina Wendorf if you have questions.
Women’s Prayer Time - Thursday, August 18th, at 10am, at the church. Email Elena Lewis at with prayer requests or for more information.
Men's Ministry - Vantage Leadership is holding a fall lunch, Wednesday, August 24, at noon. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee will be speaking on Spiritual Leadership. For more information and to register online go to
FOUNDATIONS - Join us when FOUNDATIONS resumes Wednesday, September 7th. A meal will be served at 5:30pm and afterwards discipleship opportunities for all ages will be from 6:15 to 7:15pm.
Communicant’s Class - A communicant’s class for children interested in joining Cornerstone will be offered this fall during FOUNDATIONS. Prior to the class, the parent and child should consider reading and discussing Established in the Faith: 12 Conversations to Lead Your Child to Profess Faith in Christ. These are available in the foyer at no charge. Email if you are interested in your child taking this class.
Women’s Fall Bible Studies - Weekly bible studies will begin Tuesday, September 6th, and Wednesday, September 7th. A nursery will be provided for both studies. For more information, and to register see Fall Studies Sign Up.
New Members Class - A new members class will begin on Sunday, September 11th. Email to register.
Youth Families Conference - Westminster and Cornerstone are hosting a conference on September 17th for teens (high school and up) and their families entitled “Navigating Sex and Gender in a Changing World. Dr. Walt Mueller will speak about navigating the current cultural moment from a biblical perspective. Tickets are $10 per person. For more information and to register go to Conference Sign-Up.
Women’s Fall Retreat - Save the Date! "Lake Retreat Day" on Saturday, October 15th.
Bookshelf Ministry - Be sure to check out this resource ministry located in the Gathering Room. There are free books, tracts and other resources for you to take or give to someone.
Cornerstone Prayer
- Pray for church members caring for family - Jen Kauffman, Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless, Bill and JoAnn Sneed, and Kyle Mosier.
- Pray for healing - April DeJong, Mary Allen Junen, Matthew Lawrence, Berin Wendorf, Phil Freeze, Gayle Ricks, Luke McClure, and Abby Reese Wren.
- Pray for our nursing home resident - Ruby Petcher
- Pray for our expectant mothers - Sage Hundscheid (August), Hillary Hornor (November), and Kawell (adoption).
- Pray for InFocus and their kickoff event to welcome students back on Saturday, August 20th.
- Pray that the Lord would raise up an assistant pastor to serve at Cornerstone.
- Pray for students and teachers as they return to school.
- Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Seth and Jessica Lewis, missionaries to Ireland and Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church, Cullman, AL (Pastor Jason Ellerbee).
Mission's Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside. You may click on the link below
to learn more about our mission partner.
Please contact the church office by Thursday morning
for changes or additions to the prayer requests.
The Mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow, and serve together to
glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world.