Newsletter March 22, 2024
Newsletter | March 22, 2024
Dear Church Family and Friends,
This Sunday marks the beginning of what has been called in Church history, Holy Week. It marks the last week of Jesus' life on earth. Truly the love of God is on huge display as we remember all that Jesus did for us in the last week of His life on earth.
This Sunday is also called Palm Sunday. It is the day of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem for the last week of His life. As He entered the holy city, the citizens waved the palm branches in celebration and shouted, "Hosanna to the son of David! Hosanna in the highest!" And why shouldn't they have been excited? For Jesus had performed many signs and wonders! He even raised a man from the dead!
I've been meditating on this hymn by the 19th-century Irish sister, Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane, it's called Beneath the Cross of Jesus. Below are the words I've been thinking about that I believe are appropriate for meditating on the cross of Christ:
two wonders I confess,
the wonders of redeeming love
and my unworthiness.
For Holy Week, we are taking a break from our sermon series in Romans and will turn to Matthew's Gospel to read and study his account of the events of Holy Week. We will do this on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. Please make plans to join us on Good Friday for the Good Friday Communion Worship Service at 6 pm. This is a perfect time to prepare our hearts to remember the death of Christ and look in anticipation to the hope of Resurrection Sunday!
I wanted to give you an update on the construction and renovation projects. As you can see if you have attended lately, the campus improvement project is well on its way. Contractors are working hard excavating rock to make way for the new parking areas and improving the draining around the campus. Please use caution around construction areas.
Additionally, the interior remodel is almost complete! Contractors are putting the finishing touches on the remaining projects. We will continue to worship in the Family Life Center through Easter Sunday. Currently, we are looking at a tentative date of April 14 to move back into the sanctuary. For this to happen, the bathrooms must be completed and the Audio/Visual team will need to have completed their work and testing to ensure the new equipment is ready for worship. Please be in prayer. Please also stay tuned as the deacons plan some work days to complete the move and do some cleaning.
See you Sunday! He has risen!
by His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Wilson’s Weekly
Pastor Wilson does not personally endorse everything said or written in these links but hopes these articles and/or podcasts will be helpful for Christians in cultivating a biblical worldview.
Article: The Power of Hospitality
Podcast: Everyday Communication for Spouses
Preparation for Worship
March 24, 2024
This Sunday's Sermon:
“Jesus, the King! - A Humble King”
Matthew 21:1-11
Cornerstone Prayer Requests
Pray for church members caring for family - Diana Akridge, Susan Dupré, Kyle Mosier, Randy Petcher, Bill and JoAnn Sneed, Bonnie Stock, and Mike and Carol Wellfare.
Pray for healing - Suzi and Bill Bolton, Phil Freeze, Anne Harbarger, Earl Myers, Gayle Ricks, Susan Hoyt, Ruby Petcher, and those sick and suffering.
Pray for our homebound friends - Ruby Petcher and Betty Baldwin.
Pray for our expectant mothers - Rebecca Nunley (April), Olivia Hitt (June), Kayla Few (August), and the McMillan adoption.
Pray for ongoing construction and renovation projects.
Pray for peace in Israel, Ukraine, and Sudan.
Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Reformed Theological Seminary and Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church, Cullman, AL (Pastor Jason Ellerbee).
WPC Family Conference with Dr. John Perritt - Westminster Presbyterian Church is hosting a free family conference on Saturday, March 23 from 8:30-noon called Stewarding the Future: Discipling the Next Generation. There is a Friday night program on March 22 from 6:15-8 pm that is geared toward high school and college students. For more information, please click here.
Cornerstone Student Ministry Sweatshirt Orders - If you or your child want to purchase a Cornerstone Student Ministry sweatshirt, please click here to view the style options and place an order. For questions, please contact Chris Moody at
Good Friday Communion Service - Friday, March 29 at 6 pm in the FLC.
Easter Sunday! - We will have two worship services at 8:30 and 11:00 am on Sunday, March 31. After the first service, please join us for an Easter brunch at 9:45 am in the FLC. Please sign up HERE to bring food to the brunch.
Parking for Easter Sunday Services - Due to limited parking, please plan to carpool and arrive early to both morning services. Parking will be available in the lawn areas in front of the sanctuary and on the east side of the main building. Please save the parking areas near the entrance to the Family Life Center for families and individuals with mobility issues.
Ladies’ Prayer Meeting - Friday, April 5. For location and time, please contact Mollie Cohee at
Missions Fundraiser Lunch - Sunday, April 21 after the second service. Please plan to join us for a cookout to benefit the Joni & Friends and Yakama summer mission teams.
Save the Date! - Women’s Ministry Fellowship Dinner on Sunday, April 28 at 5:30 pm in the FLC.
VBS Olympion 2024 - June 3-6 from 9-11:30 am. There are many volunteer needs before, during, and on the last day of VBS. If you would like to volunteer for any part at all, please register here. Please contact Mary Cooper with any questions at
RYM - July 1-5, 2024. Current 8th graders and up can attend. To sign up, please contact Chris Moody at
Missions Moment
Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.
This week's highlighted ministries:
Reformed Theological Seminary
The Mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow, and serve together to glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world.
Please contact the church office by Thursday for changes or additions to prayer requests.
The Cornerstone Newsletter is a weekly publication emailed each Friday. To notify the church office of church members in the hospital or of births and deaths, or if you have a change of address or name, please contact or 256-489-4625.
1413 McClung Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801
Copyright © Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.