Newsletter September 6, 2024

Newsletter | September 6, 2024

Dear Church Family and Friends, 

This past week, we had yet another horrible act of evil in our country with the school shooting in Georgia. I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of these events occurring. But as alluded to in the sermon this past week, we need to understand these events for what they are ... pure evil. We live in a fallen world and until Jesus returns, we will see evil break through in these types of horrific ways. I think these events remind us of why we need the biblical language that Psalm 83 and 84 give us that capped off our summer sermon series. 

A prayer for justice: Let them be put to shame and dismayed forever; let them perish in disgrace, that they may know that you alone, whose name is the LORD, are the Most High over all the earth.  (Psalm 83:17–18 ESV)

A prayer of hope: For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, blessed is the one who trusts in you!  (Psalm 84:11–12 ESV)

A few weeks ago, many folks in leadership here at Cornerstone had the opportunity to attend a defensive training course here at Cornerstone with Defend Systems out of Nashville. This is the same company that provided training with the Covenant School in Nashville. They have also helped many churches in our region. The desire of your Elders and Deacons was to be prepared if an event ever happened at Cornerstone. While "enjoyed" is not the right term, many of us are thankful we went through the training to better protect the flock. Of course, we trust in a sovereign God who rules and reigns and governs all things by His sovereign providence, but He still calls us to be equipped and to "be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”  (Ephesians 6:10–11 ESV)

Next week, we will begin our FOUNDATIONS ministry for the fall on Wednesday evenings. I have the privilege of leading a seminar on Biblical Parenting. I have entitled this seminar, Shepherding YOUR Child's Heart. To shepherd means to guide, to take care of. But we are not talking about shepherding sheep here— we are talking about shepherding the heart. The heart, according to the Bible, is the center of one’s being...all the emotions, feelings, thinking, spirituality, and everything about a person. Parents are called to guide and care for the hearts of their children. Shepherding is a great way to describe parenting— it is very intentional, very purposeful, and very important. This class aims to help you be intentional in your parenting - to actively shepherd your child’s heart. It is a great call of God that we must heed!

This class is designed for families with young children who are still very much in the throws or in the beginning stages of raising children. All parents and grandparents are invited but this class will be especially beneficial for parents in the early stages of training up their child in the way they should go. 

See you Sunday! 

by His grace and to His praise,

Pastor Wilson 

Wilson’s Weekly

Pastor Wilson does not personally endorse everything said or written in these links but hopes these articles and/or podcasts will be helpful for Christians in cultivating a biblical worldview.

Preparation for Worship

September 8, 2024

This Sunday's Sermon:

“The Gospel of the Kingdom”

Matthew 4:12-5:2

Cornerstone Prayer Requests

Pray for church members caring for family - Diana Akridge, Susan Dupré, Kyle Mosier, Randy Petcher, and Mike and Carol Wellfare.

Pray for healing - Bob Cassis, Rick Dillon, Suzi and Bill Bolton, Dawn Chenault, Earl Myers, Phil Freeze, Gayle Ricks, Ruby Petcher, Marc Goldmon, and those sick and suffering. 

Pray for our homebound friends - Ruby Petcher and Betty Baldwin.

Pray for our expectant mothers - Lauren Durr (November), Kerry McMillan (January), Bree Sullivan (February), Abigail Wood (February), the Kawell family (adoption), and the Barkley family (foster).

Pray for spiritual growth through our Foundations ministry.

Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Manna House and Southwood Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL (Rev. Will Spink).


New Members Class - The new members class continues this Sunday in the Family Life Center lobby. Please see Pastor Brian if you have any questions. 

Ladies Fall 2024 Bible Study - Beginning this Tuesday, the Women’s Ministry will be studying the book of Acts using Nancy Guthrie’s book, “Saved”. The Tuesday morning group meets from 9:15-11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall and the Tuesday evening group meets from 6:30-8 pm (location TBA). For more details and to register, please click here.

Foundations - Begins Wednesday, September 11. There will be a fellowship meal at 5:30 pm in the FLC and discipleship opportunities for all ages from 6:15-7:15 pm. There will be two adult classes: Biblical Parenting, taught by Pastor Wilson, and Means of Grace: How We Grow in Christ, taught by Pastor John. The Biblical Parenting class is designed for parents of young children but all parents and grandparents are welcome. Nursery is provided. RSVP online here. To be a meal server, please sign up here.

Men’s Fellowship Dinner - September 22 at 6 pm in the Family Life Center. Pastor Wilson will be speaking on The Deep Life. The cost is $15 and covers a steak dinner. The deadline to register is September 17. To register, please click here.

Manna House Serve Days - There is a great opportunity to plug in and serve the community with Cornerstone folks on Thursdays at the Manna House. Anyone can come for any amount of time between 1-6:30 pm.

Benevolence - If you are in need of financial assistance or other needs due to hardship, please see a deacon or contact

Ministry Opportunity - Interested in reaching out to our church members who need help with minor home improvements or repairs? If so, contact David Hoover at for more information.

Bookshelf Ministry - The church resource bookshelf is currently located on the second floor between the balcony and the adult Sunday School rooms. There are some great free books and resources there!

Missions Moment

Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.

This week's highlighted ministries:

Manna House

The Mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow, and serve together to glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world.

Please contact the church office by Thursday for changes or additions to prayer requests.

The Cornerstone Newsletter is a weekly publication emailed each Friday. To notify the church office of church members in the hospital or of births and deaths, or if you have a change of address or name, please contact or 256-489-4625.

1413 McClung Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801
Copyright © Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.