Newsletter October 7, 2022

Newsletter | October 7, 2022

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Fall is here! I love the cooler weather. It has been such a blessing and refreshing.

Romans Sermon Series

I have really enjoyed preaching through this wonderful letter. As I stated when the series began, Romans is no doubt the most important piece of literature in the history of the world. It announces to us and explains in great detail the most important subject in the world; the Gospel!

As we continue to work our way through chapter 2, Paul’s teaching does not get any easier. As Peter said in his second epistle, Paul’s letters do contain some things that are difficult to understand. Chapter 2 certainly falls into this category.

I always want to be clear in my preaching. That is probably the hardest thing about preparing a sermon each week — how do I present the biblical truths of a certain passage with clarity. Last week, I hope that I was clear. Specifically, I want to be clear with regards to the role of works in the Christian life. To be clear, Paul is NOT teaching that we are saved by works. He makes that very clear in Romans 1:16-17. However, beginning in chapter 2, Paul is emphasizing that obedience matters and the way we live matters. With regards to judgment, God will render to everyone according to works. This is not a new teaching. The New Testament teaches this in several places. Our Lord Jesus taught, “For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.” (Matthew 16:27 ESV) Again, Jesus is speaking of judgment and the day of wrath. Paul wants his readers to understand that the judgment of God is a real thing and no one will escape.

This week, as we look at vv.12-16 of chapter 2, Paul will explain this in more detail as he teaches the relationship of God’s law to His righteous judgment. I covet your prayers for clarity. And I pray that we will also grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus through the Word.

An Important Announcement Coming

Many of you have been asking, “What are the future plans for Cornerstone? When will a decision be made about the future of Cornerstone with regards to our current location or the downtown property? What is the plan for Abounding?” … These are all good questions and questions that your leadership has been wrestling with for quite some time. Next week an important letter will be mailed out to the congregation. Be sure to check your mail and take some time to read and process this important information from the Session.

See you Sunday! 

by His grace and to His praise, 

Pastor Wilson

Preparation for Worship

October 9, 2022

This Sunday's Sermon: “The Gospel of God:Written on the heart”

Romans 2:12-16 (ESV)

Wilson’s Weekly

Pastor Wilson does not personally endorse every thing said or written in these links but hopes these articles and/or podcasts will be helpful for Christians in cultivating a biblical worldview.



Serving Opportunity with our Covenant Children - We are in need of volunteers to care for our children in the nursery. If you are a member and would like to volunteer see Nursery Volunteer Sign-Up You may also email Christina Wendorf if you have questions at

Serving Opportunity FOUNDATIONS - If you are attending Foundations this fall an easy way to get involved, and serve the congregation, would be to serve food during mealtime. Servers are asked to arrive by 5:20 to "apron up" and get instructions. Volunteers will be free to finish serving and join others to eat by around 5:45 when the big rush is over and we consolidate into one line, or you can hang out and help for the entire mealtime. Please use this link to sign up for one, or multiple Wednesdays this semester Foundations Meal Service Sign Up

FOUNDATIONS - Join us on Wednesdays for a meal at 5:30pm. Discipleship opportunities for all ages are from 6:15 to 7:15pm. A nursery is provided. RSVP at FOUNDATIONS Sign-Up

Book Resources - Disciplines of a Godly Man (current men’s small group study) are available in the lobby for $10. Age of Opportunity is a great resource for parents of teenagers and is available in the lobby for $15.

Women’s Fall Lake Retreat Day - Join us Saturday, October 15th, from 8:30am-4:30pm at the Kimrey’s lake house. Register at Lake Day Retreat below. Deadline to register is Monday, October 10th.

Youth Downtown Open - Rescheduled to Sunday, October 16th, from 4:30-6:30pm. We will meet at Jimmy John’s downtown on the square and have dinner downtown afterwards. See Pastor Brian for more information.

Ordination and Installation Service - Join us on Sunday, October 23rd, during the first worship service, as we ordain and install the newly elected officers. Reception to follow, during the Sunday school hour, in the Family Life Center.

Bookshelf Ministry - Be sure to check out this resource ministry located in the Gathering Room. There are free books, tracts and other resources for you to take or give to someone.

Child Evangelism Fellowship. CEF is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living. Cornerstone is hoping to partner with CEF to start a Good News Club at Blossomwood Elementary School. Good News Club® is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship in which trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools, homes, community centers, churches, just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet with their parent’s permission. You can learn much more by visiting In the meantime, we are praying that God would raise up a leader and a group of missionaries from Cornerstone to lead this effort. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact the church office.



Cornerstone Prayer Requests

Pray for church members caring for family - Lora Abernathy, Diana Akridge, Bryan Gassaway, Rick McCann, Randy Petcher, Mike Bayless, Bill and JoAnn Sneed, and Kyle Mosier.

Pray for healing - April DeJong, Mary Allen Junen, Matthew Lawrence, Berin Wendorf, Phil Freeze, Gail Ricks, Luke McClure, Lauren Davenport, Sharon Ibsen, Brian Russ, and Farris Powell.

Pray for our nursing home resident - Ruby Petcher 

Pray for our expectant mothers - Hillary Hornor (November), and Kawell (adoption).

Pray for those affected by Hurricane Ian and for MNA disaster response teams.

Pray for our newly elected officer candidates and their families.

Pray that the Lord would raise up an assistant pastor to serve at Cornerstone.

Pray for our Missional Partnerships - Rodney and Jana Davila (Missionaries to El Salvador) and North Hills Presbyterian Church, Meridianville, AL (Pastor Adam Tisdale).

Missions Moment

Each week we want to highlight one of our missional partnerships. Please take a moment to learn about these wonderful ministries that Cornerstone has the privilege of serving alongside.

This week's highlighted ministries:
Rodney and Jana Davila, Missionaries to El Salvador

The Mission of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is to be a community of Christ's followers who worship, grow, and serve together to glorify God in Huntsville and throughout the world.

Please contact the church office by Thursday for changes or additions to prayer requests.

The Cornerstone Newsletter is a weekly publication emailed each Friday. To notify the church office of church members in the hospital or of births and deaths, or if you have a change of address or name, please contact or 256-489-4625.

1413 McClung Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35801
Copyright © Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, All rights reserved.

Wilson Shirley