Pastor's Corner - Welcome Back!
Dear Friends,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I hope you had a chance to watch the video that went out yesterday describing our plans to return to corporate worship this Sunday. If you did not see it, you can watch it by clicking here.
This Sunday, we will begin a new summer sermon series in the Psalms (say that five times real fast!). I love the Psalms. The last several years we have studied the Psalms during the summer and I hope that you have found them to be as refreshing and encouraging as I have. I'm especially thankful for the opportunity that we get to study the Psalms right now as I know we will find much comfort and instruction to help us navigate our feelings, emotions, discouragements, troubles, etc... during this pandemic.
This Sunday we will study Psalm 122, a Psalm of Ascent that would have been sung by pilgrims as they traveled to Jerusalem for corporate worship and celebration. The longing, the dreaming, the yearning of this psalm is a good word for our present situation.
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” - Psalms 122:1 ESV
See you Sunday!
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - May 24, 2020
This Sunday's sermon: “Reflections on the Pandemic" - Psalm 122
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "While the plague was raging, while thousands were dying, what a comfort it was to feel that we were in the hands of a loving Father who was looking out for us, who had given us the great assurance that all things should work together for our good." - Francis Grimke
Hymn of the week: Isaiah 43
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
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Wilson's Weekly
A Seven Step Approach to In-Depth Bible StudyChurch,
Don't Let the Coronavirus Divide You
Why We Miss Congregational Singing
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