Pastor's Corner - Upcoming Events

Dear Friends,
There are several events coming up at Cornerstone in the next few weeks. First, please join us this Wednesday, June 7th, as we will host the Independent Presbyterian Church Youth Choir. This will be a great night of fellowship as we get to hear this talented group perform and then gather for some BBQ right after the performance.Second, General Assembly is right around the corner. Please be in prayer for myself, Pastor Russ, RE John Bise and RE Frank Cohee as we will represent Cornerstone at this gathering. There is much you can learn about the Assembly by visiting, Vacation Bible School is just a little over two weeks away! Matthew Elliott and his team have been working hard to make preparations so that this week is sure be a fun time for our kids. Most importantly, it will be an important time of discipleship as many of our children will learn about the Gospel and perhaps some will hear the Gospel for the first time. Please be in prayer for the children and the volunteers.See you Sunday!By His grace and to His praise,Wilson
Preparation for Worship - June 4th
  • This Sunday's Sermon: Blessed Are Those Who Love the Word:  Give Me Life - Psalm 119:33-40
  • In preparation for the sermon: “Were we naturally and spontaneously inclined to the righteousness of the law, there would be no occasion for the petition of the Psalmist, Incline my heart. It remains, therefore, that our hearts are full of sinful thoughts, and wholly rebellious, until God by his grace change them. This confession on the part of the prophet must not be overlooked, That the natural corruption of man is so great, that he seeks for any thing rather than what is right, until he be turned by the power of God to new obedience, and thus begin to be inclined to that which is good.” - John Calvin
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
  • We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.
Wilson's Weekly
Here are some links about General Assembly: