Dear Friends,A few weeks ago, I wrote to you about the importance of setting realistic goals when it comes to spending time in God's Word. I emphasized that whatever you do (especially if you are just getting started), it should be simple, repeatable and transferable. Please click here to read the post.In addition, I'd like to suggest three other important principles to consider in achieving a consistent time in the Word: Time, Place and Plan.First, Time. In other words, when are you going to spend time in God's Word each day? Are you a morning person? Night owl? Mid-day or lunch time? The key here is to know yourself and your rhythms and find a consistent time each day to spend time in God's Word. This is a much needed discipline that will take some "time" but it will be worth it.Second, Place. Where are you going to spend time in God's Word? Finding a place that is without distractions will help you focus on the task at hand and is vital to a meaningful time in God's Word. Do you have a home office? Make sure the desk is clear of clutter. Do you like to sit at the dining room table? Make sure there is nothing there to pull your mind away from engaging in God's Word. Is it a local coffee shop? If so, try to go at a time when you know you won't run into 15 people you know. Try toavoid the bed as it is just too tempting to fall asleep. Turn off your phone. Make sure you know where the place will be the day before and do what you can to have the place ready to engage with God. No matter where, find that place that is a sanctuary to you that will help you engage with the Lord through Scripture.Finally, have a Plan. I wrote about this a few weeks ago as well but what is your plan? How are you going to spend time in God's Word? I highly suggest the plan I mentioned last time but maybe you would like to try something else? There are infinite ideas for spending time in the God's Word but whatever your plan is, make sure it is simple, repeatable and transferable. Spend some time this weekend, perhaps with an old-fashioned pen and paper in your hand, and write out some ideas for a daily plan to spend time in the Bible.May the Lord bless you as you seek Him. Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. (Psalms 143:8 ESV)See you Sunday for worship! by His grace and to His praise,Wilson