Pastor's Corner - Thankful Celebration!

Dear Friends,This Sunday after worship and Sunday School I'm looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with my church family. I hope you will get a chance to join us as we go to the Monte Sano Lodge to eat and celebrate. “Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.”  (Psalms 136:2, 26 ESV)Earlier this week all members of Cornerstone should have received a letter that went out to the congregation. If you did not get this letter, please contact the church office. I do hope you took the time to read the letter as it contained some important information about the ministry of Cornerstone and some exciting staff transitions. Please be in prayer for Cornerstone.Finally, there are some great things going on in our women's ministry. Please take the time to read below to look for ways to grow and serve.See you Sunday!by His grace and to His praise,Wilson
Prayer of ThanksgivingO My God,You fairest, greatest, first of all objects,My heart admires, adores, loves You,For my little vessel is as full as it can be,And I would pour out all that fullness before You in ceaseless flow.When I think upon and converse with YouTen thousand delightful thoughts spring up,Ten thousand sources of pleasure are unsealed,Ten thousand refreshing joys spread over my heart,Crowding into every moment of happiness.I bless You for the soul You have created,For adorning it, for sanctifying it,Though it is fixed in barren soil;For the body You have given me,For preserving its strength and vigor,For providing senses to enjoy delights,For the ease and freedom of limbs,For hands, eyes, ears that do Your bidding;For Your royal bounty providing my daily support,For a full table and overflowing cup,For appetite, taste, sweetness,For social joys of relatives and friends,For ability to serve others,For a heart that feels sorrows and necessities,For a mind to care for my fellow-men,For opportunities of spreading happiness around,For loved ones in the joys of heaven,For my own expectation of seeing You clearly.I love You above the powers of language to express,For what You are to Your creatures.Increase my love, O my God, through time and eternity.*from the Valley of Vision with permission by Banner of Truth
Preparation for Worship - November 12, 2017
  • This Sunday's sermon:  Inseparable Love, Romans 8:33-36
  • In preparation for the sermon:  "Be thou my shield and hiding place! That, sheltered near thy side, I may my fierce accuser face, And tell him, "thou hast died." - John Newton
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • Hymn of the Week:  He Will Hold Me Fast
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
  • We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.
Wilson's Weekly