Pastor's Corner - Thank you!
Dear Friends,
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
This week I wanted to write and say, "THANK YOU!" Thank you to all who have called, emailed, texted and written to encourage me and the small team that has been leading the streaming worship services on Sundays. It has been a great blessing to know that it is encouraging you, but also that it is helping you keep a pattern of worship on the Lord's Day.
Thank you for how you have continued to support the ministry of Cornerstone through your financial gifts. Your giving has helped to fuel our ministry and our ministry partners during this uncertain time.
Thank you for your faithfulness in this area!
Thank you for your commitment to care and discipleship. I know it has not been easy during this time, but to see and hear how so many have learned new technology to be able to connect with their Sunday School class or small group has been a great blessing. Keep it up!
Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for your leadership. We continue to pray and wrestle with God's will in all of this. "In times of waiting, times of need, When I know loss, when I am weak, I know His grace will renew these days, The Lord is my salvation." - Keith and Kristyn Getty
Thank you for your patience. I think that I am the one most anxious to get back to corporate worship, but I know the Lord is teaching us all to wait on Him. Thank you for how many of you have encouraged me towards that end. “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14 ESV)
I hope that you got a chance to read the latest update regarding our ministry plans for the next several weeks. If you did not, you can read it here. We hope that after Governor Ivey announces the next phases of reopening in Alabama around May 15th, we will have a better idea of what coming back to church will look like for Cornerstone. In the meantime, if you are willing and able, don't be afraid to gather in small groups in order to fellowship and encourage one another.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 1:3 ESV)
Please join us online this Sunday for worship!
By His grace and to His praise,
Pastor Wilson
Preparation for Worship - May 3, 2020
This Sunday's sermon: “Jesus is Yahweh!” - John 8:48-59
Click here for this week's bulletin.
In preparation for the sermon: "He to whom the gospel bids us come with our sins, and believe for pardon and peace, is no mere man. He is nothing less than very God, and therefore 'able to save to the uttermost' all who come to him." - JC Ryle
Hymn of the week: Behold Our God
Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.
Wilson's Weekly