Pastor's Corner - Sacred Road Mission Trip

Dear Friends,
In three weeks, Cornerstone will host a fundraiser to benefit the mission team that will go to serve along side Sacred Road Ministries on the Yakama Indian Reservation. I do hope that you and your family will join us for this evening of fun, fellowship and a talent show. The event will be from 5-7pm on Sunday, April 23rd. You can sign up for the talent show by emailing'm thankful for the opportunity to lead a team to a place that I know and love. The truth is that the Native Americans were our first neighbors and we are called to love them well. Here is a little background about the reservation and what our team will be doing from the Sacred Road website:
In 1855, the Yakama people, along with 13 other tribes and bands, signed a treaty with the United States government which established the Yakama Reservation at the foot of Mt. Adams in south central Washington state. Since that time, the culture, families, and dreams of the Yakama people have steadily disintegrated.

The goal of Sacred Road Ministries is to be a unified and growing community of believers who have a passion for God, for each other, and for the lost, and who are prepared and equipped to serve the Lord by ministering in the community of Native America and the world. The Sacred Road team reaches out to the community through: Hope Fellowship church services; children’s ministry, youth ministry; Kingdom Kids after-school program; a variety of acts of service and mercy; recruiting, hosting and organizing one week service teams, etc.

We believe that the good news of the gospel is very powerful and can bring life, hope, and change to the reservation.  In Isaiah 58 God tells His people that if they "extend themselves" or "pour themselves out" for their needy and oppressed neighbors that He can and will redeem and restore their broken community.

For the past three years Cornerstone has supported Sacred Road financially and now we get the opportunity to partner with them on the field. Our team will join other churches from around the country to help with the mercy ministry efforts of Sacred Road and the local church there in White Swan, Hope Presbyterian. Please consider supporting the Cornerstone team this summer through prayer, financial support and coming to the Variety Show on April 23rd. Also, stay tuned as we plan to have a fundraising night in May at Rosie's Cantina to support the team.See you Sunday!By His grace and to His praise,Wilson

Preparation for Worship - April 9, 2017
  • This Sunday's sermon: Rejected • Wounded • Exalted: The Arm of the LORD, Isaiah 53:1-3
  • In preparation for the sermon: “Nothing but divine revelation can make the servant known to us and draw us to him.” - J. Moyter
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
  • We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.
Wilson's Weekly