Pastor's Corner - Pray with Me
Dear Friends,
I would like to share with you what I am praying for Cornerstone this week.
- For our officers - that they would have wisdom and exhibit godly leadership in their homes, in the church and in the community - that the Spirit would protect them and keep them from the attacks of the enemy.
- For an Assistant Pastor - that God would raise up a man to come alongside the Session to serve the body of Christ here at Cornerstone.
- For a Children's Ministry Coordinator - that God would raise up a man or woman to minister to our growing children's ministry.
- For a permanent home for Cornerstone - the church is not made of brick and mortar, however we desire that God would plant us in a location so that we can be a city on a hill in the Huntsville community.
- For the preaching of the Word - that our church would be built up in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ - that the Spirit would move in power through His word to bless our children and all of us.
- For a hunger and thirst for righteousness - that we would all have a hunger and thirst for the means of grace that we literally cannot get enough.
Will you join me in praying for these things?
By His grace and to His praise,
Worship Notes: September 20, 2015
- Hosea 5:1-15 will be our text this Sunday. In this chapter, we will look at way in which God draws sinners to Himself.
- In preparation for the sermon: “Cast yourself into the arms of Christ, and if you perish, perish there. If you do not, you are sure to perish. If mercy is to be found anywhere, it is there.” - Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed
- A new hymn for the week: O Day of Rest and Gladness
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
Wilson's Weekly
- I found this article to be helpful in thinking about the Pro-Life debate. The author states: "Pro-life advocates have a far more powerful weapon than imagination. We have truth."
- Kevin DeYoung offers some pastoral encouragement for for moms: "God used them all in mighty ways–in ways they couldn’t fully understand at the time, in the ways that changed the world–and all by simply loving children and protecting their little lives." Click here to read this article.
- I'm an old-fashion Christian like my friend Tim Challies. Click here