Pastor's Corner - Ordination Celebration

Dear Cornerstone Family:

This past Tuesday was the quarterly meeting of Providence Presbytery. One of the great privileges and responsibilities of the Presbytery is to administer licensure and ordination exams to ministry candidates. The process begins with written exams, which are followed by oral exams before a committee of Presbytery. The final step in the process is an oral exam on the floor of Presbytery. 

For the past year, our youth director Taylor King has been going through this process, and this past Tuesday he stood before Presbytery and completed his ordination exams! On Sunday, November 17, as part of our morning worship service, Taylor will be ordained and installed as an Assistant Pastor here at Cornerstone. There will be several teaching and ruling elders involved in the service from our Presbytery, as well as a couple of guests from outside of the Presbytery. The ordination and installation part of the service is actually part of a Presbytery meeting that we will all get to witness and participate in. After the service ends, we will have a reception during the Sunday School hour in the fellowship hall for the whole church to celebrate the King family and this wonderful occasion in the life of Cornerstone. 

As a Session, we are thankful to God for bringing Taylor, Julia and their sweet children to Cornerstone. We are also thankful for how you, as a congregation, have prayed for and supported Taylor and Julia throughout this process. We look forward to a great celebration on the 17th!

Pastor Brian


Preparation for Worship - November 10, 2019

This Sunday's sermon: The Preeminence of Christ: Here, Put This On - Col. 3:5-17
In preparation for the sermon: And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.   (Colossians 3:17 ESV)
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