Pastor's Corner-Officer Nominations
Dear Friends,This past Sunday we began a new chapter in the life of our young church as we initiated the process of nominating new officers. I wanted to explain to you what the next steps will be in this process in case you have not had a chance to hear the explanation from the pulpit or read the Officer Nomination Brochure.
As of this past Sunday, August 10th, nominations are now open until Sunday, August 31st. During this time members of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church may nominate any man in the church who is a member. You may nominate someone for office by submitting a nomination form to the church office or by filling out a form on Sunday morning and placing it in the offering plate or handing it to a church officer. Forms can be found online and in the foyer on Sunday mornings.
After August 31st, the Session will then begin to meet with all nominees to determined if they are qualified and called to serve as an officer at Cornerstone. After this initial interview, if a man is qualified and called, the Session will then invite the nominee to participate in an officer training course. Upon completion of the course, the nominee will be tested and examined by the Session for their readiness to serve. If a man is found to be ready, the Session will then put the candidate before the congregation for election. A man is elected to office by the congregation by a simple majority vote. There are no set number of elder and deacon positions we are hoping to fill. We simply want all the men that the Lord calls and sees fit to serve.
I also wanted to remind you that you are nominating a man for office and not specifically as an elder or deacon. The Session will meet with the nominee and at the end of the training consult with the nominee to determine to which office he may be called.
You can view and print an Officer Nomination Form and Brochure by visiting:
This is an exciting yet humbling time. Please pray for God to raise up men to serve and pray that the Holy Spirit would guard them, protect them and their families, grow them, strengthen them, and give them grace to take up their calling. Pray also for your Session as they interview, train, and examine these men.
Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things. (Hebrews 13:18 ESV)
May God bless you this weekend.
By His grace and to His praise,