Pastor's Corner - New Staff Positions

Dear Friends,One of the common refrains that I keep repeating as I interact with people in the community and folks at our church is, "Everything is new!" Since we are a young church, barely a year old, every ministry and every initiative that we embark upon is new. We are literally creating ministry and direction every week at Cornerstone.As your pastor, my desire, hope and prayer is that every new ministry initiative we take as a church meets certain criteria, and those criteria must flow out of our values as a church. Those values are to create ministries that are biblically centered, discipleship oriented, and centered on the family.As I reported to you a few weeks back, the Lord has blessed Cornerstone with nearly 90 children under the age of 18... and more are on the way! Of this 90, nearly 45 will be in our youth ministry program this Fall, grades 6th-12th. What a blessing to our growing body and the future of the Lord's church!With that in mind, I'm excited to announce to you that the Session has approved the hiring of two new ministry staff positions at Cornerstone: a Children's Ministry Coordinator and a Youth Ministry Coordinator. We are asking that you join us in prayer that the Lord will fill these positions with people who are ruthlessly biblical, who long to see our children grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ, and who see the value of coming alongside families in our church to assist them in raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.Both of these positions will be part-time and focused on coordinating with the existing efforts of our wonderful volunteers already working with children and youth. Specifically, we are praying that the Lord would bring along a young man with whom Cornerstone could assist in his seminary education as well as work in a local church.If you know of anyone interested and/or qualified for these positions, they may send their resumé to the church office at The job descriptions for these openings are available at : His grace and to His praise, your friend,Wilson