Pastor's Corner - Ministry Updates
Dear Friends,I wanted to update you on a few items of note in our church body.Officer NominationsAs we prepare to move in to a new season of ministry at Cornerstone this fall, your elders have been praying and seeking the Lord's guidance on when to begin a nomination process for new officers in our church. In the coming weeks, I will be concluding my sermon series on the Psalms of Ascents. On July 27th, I will begin a new mini-series on Biblical Leadership. Included in this mini-series will be two separate sermons on the biblical definition of elders and deacons. After this series, we will enter into a nominating process that will begin on August 10th.Please be in prayer for your session as we seek to lead this process as the Lord has called us. Please also be in prayer that God would raise up godly men from our congregation to serve as officers. Again, in the coming weeks the session will disseminate materials to the congregation that will explain this process and give you the opportunity to nominate men for office.Women's MinistryI am excited to announce three new discipleship opportunities for the women in our church!Mom2Mom is a new ministry of Cornerstone for mothers who are wanting to know their Savior better and who desire a deeper understanding of how to serve Him in their home, church and community. Being a mother is one of the greatest privileges God gives a woman, but it definitely presents challenges in our diverse and “me-centered” culture. Mom2Mom will provide a means of Biblical learning through a large group Bible study, followed by a more intimate small group of 6-8 women with a group leader and a mentor. Bring a friend or neighbor and join us on Tuesday mornings, 9-11am as we learn what it looks like to live as mothers at the intersections of life and culture! Mom2Mom will begin on Tuesday, September 2nd at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. More information and registration is coming soon!The second and third opportunities for women in our church will be two open Bible studies for all the women in the church. The study for this Fall will be Rebuild: A Study in Nehemiah - a teaching DVD by Kathleen Nielson. Through this study, our ladies will peer into the dramatic story of God's people sustained by God's Word, at a crucial point in salvation history. We have two opportunities for you to be a part of this study: Tuesdays, 9-11am at First Cumberland (beginning September 2nd) as well as an evening TBD, 6-8pm (also beginning in September.) More information and registration is coming soon!Leader NightWe are still in need of more volunteers for our nursery, children, and youth ministries this coming school year. Please be in prayer about these opportunities and contact the church office if interested. On Sunday, July 27th, 5-7pm at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church we will have Leader Night for all our children and youth volunteers at Cornerstone. This will be a time of food, fellowship, and training. During this time you will receive curriculum and important information regarding our child protection program.I'm very excited and thankful that the Lord is building ministry at Cornerstone. Thank you for serving in the Lord's church.Your friend,Wilson