What a wonderful week it has been at Vacation Bible School! There have been over 50 children and countless volunteers having a great time this week learning about Jesus, memorizing Scripture and playing games. Please pray for spiritual fruit for our children as they take the things they have learned and apply them to their hearts.This July is going to be a bit of an unusual month for us as I will not be in the pulpit. The reason for this is three-fold. First, Laura and I have the blessing of taking a trip to celebrate our anniversary this summer. Secondly, I will be leading the Yakama Summer Mission Team which will be commissioned on July 9th, leave on the 14th and arrive home late on the 22nd. Last, later in July we are planning a family vacation before school starts. I look forward to returning refreshed and ready to resume my regular schedule. I'll return to the pulpit on August 6th.During my time away, I would appreciate your prayers as I will use some of my study and preparation time to think and pray about vision and ministry at Cornerstone. I'm thankful to Pastor Russ, the Session and their capable leadership and blessing as I have this time away. Pastor Dieter Paulson, the church planter for Scottsboro, will be in the pulpit one Sunday; you will be blessed by his preaching.Finally, I am absolutely loving preaching through Psalm 119. It has been cool, refreshing water for my soul and I hope that it has been a blessing to you as well. If you find yourself struggling or apathetic or needing refreshment from the Lord, let me encourage you to read and meditate on Psalm 119. “I will lift up my hands toward your commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on your statutes.” (Psalm 119:48 ESV)See you Sunday!by His grace and to His praise,Wilson