Pastor's Corner - Good News

Dear Friends,

I don't know about you, but the news is tiring. I find myself wanting to keep up with current events but the incessant, non-stop political coverage is exhausting. What happened to the days of reporting news stories that actually told stories? Maybe I'm miss-remembering and simply committing the "good-ole-days" fallacy. 

We know that we live in a fallen world and in a world of sin and misery we should fully expect to see how this world has been devastated by the curse. But in those stories, we often find hope and redemption. One such story made the headlines this week and it is worth nothing because of the message of redemption and hope that is conveyed in the story. 

On September 6, 2018, Amber Guyer, an off-duty patrol officer in Dallas, Texas entered the apartment of 26-year-old accountant Botham Jean. She mistakenly thought she was entering her own apartment, mistook Jean for a burglar, and then shot and killed him. She was on the wrong floor of her apartment building. Devastating, tragic, awful ... the right words do not come to mind.

I don't remember hearing of the news when the event happened, but this week the story started to make national headlines for several reasons. One, she was a white cop who killed a black man. And two, it was now time for her sentencing. Guyer was sentenced to 10 years in prison for murder. 

But as I said before, in this world we find beauty in the brokenness. This story is horrific. It could not come at a worse time in our nation's history. But out of the tragedy, God decided to do something amazing - truly something Gospel-centered. At Guyer's sentencing, Jean's brother asked to speak. You need to watch this short video to see what he said. (Beware of dust in your eyes). 

After this story and this video went viral, many pontificated on Brandt Jean's gospel-witness to his brother's killer. Here are few noteworthy comments:"This behavior makes absolutely no sense unless the gospel of Jesus is true." - Matt Smethrust"The result was a beautiful Christian testimony—truly salt and light in a dark and twisted world." - Justin Taylor"If you think this is crazy, remember the cross!" - Jackie Hill PerryI encourage you to watch this and perhaps the message to take away is that God is going to make all things new. He is going to do what He promised. He is going to work all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He is going to take something broken and make it beautiful. 

See you Sunday.

by His grace and to His praise, 


Preparation for Worship - October 6, 2019

This Sunday's sermon: “The Preeminence of Christ: Christ, the Hope of Glory”   Colossians 1:24-29
Click here for this week's bulletin.In preparation for the sermon:  “Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith— to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.”  (Romans 16:25–27 ESV)
Hymn of the Week:  Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
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