Pastor's Corner - General Assembly
Dear Friends,
The 43rd General Assembly will be held at the Chattanooga Convention Center in Chattanooga, TN on June 8-12, 2015. "What is General Assembly?" you may ask. The General Assembly is the highest court of this Church (after the local church Session and geographical presbyteries), and represents in one body all the churches thereof. It bears the title of The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, and constitutes the bond of union, peace and correspondence among all its congregations and courts.
General Assembly (GA) serves as the annual business meeting of the Presbyterian Church in America. The denomination’s pastors (teaching elders) and church leaders (ruling elders) gather to study, discuss, debate, and decide biblical and ministry issues. Visitors are welcome to observe the proceedings and may sit in the visitor’s section of the Assembly Hall.
I would highly encourage you to consider attending some or all of GA since this is the closest that it can come to Huntsville, AL. A ton of information can be found at Additionally you can access information of the Assembly by downloading apps for your computer or mobile device: If you can only make it to one thing, let me encourage you to attend one of the evening worship services - there is nothing like being around 5000+ other brothers and sisters in Christ in the PCA worshiping the Triune God. You can learn about the worship services here:
This year the theme of GA is Anchored in Christ - Active in Culture. Please be in prayer for our denomination; that we would continued to be determined in our purpose to be “faithful to the Scriptures, true to the reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission.”
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Worship Notes: May 31, 2015
- This Sunday will be our first Sunday in our new facility! To prepare for your arrival, please click here!
- A hymn to prepare for worship this Sunday: Jesus Cast A Look on Me
- Are you judgmental? This will be one of the focuses of our sermon this Sunday as we continue in our study of Kingdom Living. Matthew 7:1-6.
- In preparation for the sermon, J.C. Ryle: "A readiness to blame others for trifling offenses, or matters of indifference--a habit of passing rash and hasty judgments--a disposition to magnify the errors and infirmities of our neighbors, and make the worst of them--this is what our Lord forbids."
- Click here for this week's bulletin.
- Would you like to catch up on on our sermon series? Click here:
by His grace and to His praise,
Wilson A. Shirley
Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church