Pastor's Corner - Future Leadership
Dear Friends,
Well it's that time of year again! School is back in session! I trust that all is well with you and your family and that you will use this new school year as a time of renewed commitment to growing in your walk with the Lord by committing to weekly attendance at corporate worship, as well as engaging your family at home through family devotions, scripture memory and prayer. If I can ever help you with any of these things, please let me know.
I wanted to let you know about two very important things regarding future staff leadership at Cornerstone.
Children's Coordinator: As you know, the Lord has blessed our church with lots of children. I praise God for this as Jesus has said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14 ESV) With that said, we are in need of a part-time Children's Coordinator. The primary responsibilities of this position will be to coordinate the discipleship of our children. If you know of anyone interested and qualified for this position, please share the position description with them with this link: I'm asking that the whole congregation please be in prayer for this person and that God will call the right person to serve and love our families.
Assistant Pastor: I'm excited to announce to you that the Session has officially begun a search for an Assistant Pastor to serve our congregation. The primary focus of this pastor, in addition to general pastoral duties, will be to shepherd and lead ministry to our families. This man will assist me in week-to-week pastoral ministry, as well as oversee and equip our congregation to minister to parents and their children. We have begun the process of contacting candidates. Please be in prayer as we seek to find the right man called by God to serve along with us at Cornerstone.
I would like to take a minute to explain to you the difference between an assistant pastor and an associate pastor. As you know, I am the Senior Pastor. As Senior Pastor, my role is to lead the congregation in teaching and preaching and I serve as the Moderator of the Session. An assistant pastor is called by the Session and does not have a vote on the Session. However, an assistant pastor is invited to participate in Session meetings and work alongside the Senior Pastor and Session to shepherd the flock. An associate pastor is called by the congregation and does have a vote on the Session.
It is not the intention of your Session to call an Associate Pastor anytime soon. Not until a man has demonstrated his gifts, wisdom and experience would he be considered to be an associate pastor. We are simply looking for another man to assist in pastoral ministry who will love our congregation and serve our families. We are asking that you would join us in prayer and pray for this man and his family. We truly desire to hire a godly man who will be called by God and help us continue to walk in our vision and mission of Acts 2:42.
See you Sunday!
Your friend and pastor,
Worship Notes: August 9, 2015
Remember, announcements are now given at the beginning of the service. Please plan to arrive each week by 8:55am for the Prelude and announcements.
Please prepare your heart's for communion this Sunday.
A hymn to sing and to know this week as we prepare for this wonderful passage: Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn)
Kingdom Living: The Authority of Christ, Matthew 7:28-29, will be our focus this Sunday.
In preparation for the sermon: "We are directed here to the Preacher rather than to the Sermon. We are asked, as it were, having considered the Sermon, to look at the One who delivered it and preached it." ~ Martin Lloyd-Jones on the Matthew's summation of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:28-29.
Click here for this week's bulletin.
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Wilson's Weekly
Tim Challies helps us think about how to respond to respond to the Planned Parenthood atrocities:
In addition to the above article, Challies links to some other articles that I think would be helpful to read regarding the Planned Parenthood videos.