Pastor's Corner - Facing A Task Unfinished

Dear Friends,What a joyous day it was in the life of Cornerstone this past Sunday as we installed our first assistant pastor! I'm very thankful to have Brian and his family here. The Lord answered our prayers by bringing the Russes to Cornerstone. Let's pray that he will do the same by calling a Children's Ministry Coordinator to Cornerstone as well.I want to update you a few matters of the church.Facing a Task Unfinished is a new hymn that we will sing this Sunday. Cornerstone will be participating in an invitation by Getty Music where thousands of churches around the globe will sing the new hymn Facing a Task Unfinished together on Sunday, February 21st, 2016!  From the Getty's website we find the story of this hymn:
First penned by China Inland Mission worker, Frank Houghton, at a time when persecution in China was at its height, "Facing a Task Unfinished" has been a rally cry for missions in the Pacific Rim for many years. In 1929, the Lord laid a vision on the heart of CIM leaders to see 200 new workers plunge into the darkness and share the light of Christ, knowing that it could well cost them their lives.As he reflected on Jesus' words in Matthew 24:14 to bear the torch of the Gospel to all the nations, his heart was broken for the people of China, and he wrote:Facing a task unfinished, that drives us to our knees.A need that, undiminished, rebukes our slothful ease.We, who rejoice to know Thee, renew before Thy throne,The solemn pledge we owe Thee to go and make Thee known.By 1932, the last of the 200 missionaries had set sail for China to spread the good news of the Gospel. Since that time, the church of China has grown from an estimated 100,000 who claim Christ as their Lord to millions, and the Lord continues to work in great ways because of the faithfulness of those that gave their lives proclaiming that Jesus died and rose.We are delighted to introduce this missions hymn to a new generation with the prayer it will be an anthem for rising up to face the unfinished task and going to all the world to proclaim salvation in Jesus' name.

Construction Update: The renovations on the adult Sunday School class rooms are underway. We hope to see them completed in a few weeks. This will be a greatly improved space. While we wait for the rooms to be completed, the Trailblazers class will meet in the sanctuary, the Builders will meet in the fellowship hall, and the New Members Class will meet in the Senior Pastor's office.Where is Jesus? Cornerstone Men’s Fellowship Dinner - Sunday, March 6th, 6pm. Our speaker will be my good friend and colleague, Rev. Brad Mercer, Senior Associate Pastor at Highlands Presbyterian Church. Rev. Mercer is active in men's ministry around the PCA and has a heart to see men grow in Christ. Brad is a C.S. Lewis buff and has a Master of Philosophy from the University of Wales in the UK. He will speak on: “Where is Jesus? Learning to Find the Presence of Christ in a Band of Brothers”. BBQ Ribs will be served that night. Tickets are on sale in the narthex for $10. Teenage sons and guests are invited. I can't wait for you to meet my friend and hear from him. I want to see all of our men there!See you Sunday!

Your pastor,
Wilson's Weekly
Prepare for Worship
February 21, 2016
  • This Sunday we will continue in our new year sermon series, Sovereign Grace: Blessed Assurance, Ephesians 1:11-14.
  • In preparation for the sermon: "Oh the joy of being among the redeemed, the joy of knowing that though we may be stripped of everything here, our final inheritance is guaranteed and safe and sure!" - Martin Lloyd-Jones
  • A new hymn for the week: Facing a Task Unfinished
  • Click here for this week's bulletin.
  • We are podcasting! Catch up on sermons on iTunes.
  • We are LIVE STREAMING! Click here.
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