Dear Friends,As we approach Easter, we are reminded not only of Jesus’ death and resurrection, but also of his humble, kingly entrance into Jerusalem, the city of David. With cloaks and branches spreadon the highway, Jesus rode a donkey among shouts of ‘Hosanna’ and ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ He immediately went into the house of God, the Temple. And afterdriving out those who made God’s dwelling a marketplace, Jesus healed those who were physically weak, the blind and the lame. Those who were most physically able and spiritually fit, the chief priests, the scribes and Pharisees, looked on with indignation and contempt for Jesus.Though the religious leaders had no place for Christ in their lives, the Gospel writers tell us that the little children in the Temple were crying out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” After somecritique by the scribes of the children, Jesus replies to the ‘spiritually mature’ in Matthew 21:16: “And Jesus said to them, ‘Yes; have you never read, Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’” Jesus reminded the religious ones, as he also reminds us, that God has ordained and prepared praise for Himself in small children. The great King of the ages has established praise for himself in the humility of a donkey, in the weakness of the lame, and the smallness of young children.As followers of Jesus, we look forward to opportunities to disciple little children. As ambassadors for Christ, we teach hoping that we may find them walking in the truth and livingrighteously before the face of God. Often times, their tangible, child-like faith encourages us to walk more humbly and to live more faithfully to Christ. Several translations of Psalm 8, of which Jesus quoted to the Pharisees, ironically state that through the praise of little children God has “established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.” God uses thepraise of children to change adults. God also uses their praise to silence his enemies. God establishes his strength through them.This summer, Cornerstone members have the opportunity to witness the ‘prepared praise’ and watch the Lord ‘establish strength’ by participating in the church’s Vacation Bible School. As Cornerstone’s third year of organizing VBS, we have the privilege of discipling church members’ children as well as providing an opportunity for outreach into our communities. Because the week-long program provides a unique setting that is distinct from the weekly church routine, VBS introduces fresh opportunities for service and fellowship. Even so, the program serves to reinforce the biblical truths the children learn every Sunday morning from worship and Sunday school.This year we will use a curriculum called Upward Bound developed by VBS Reachout Adventures. The four-day program, from June 19th-22nd, will feature an adventurous hikingexpedition that draws parallels of Christ’s journey from heaven to the cross. Children who participate in Cornerstone’s VBS in 2017 will watch skits, learn and sing music, listen to Bible stories, make crafts, memorize Scripture, play games, and hear and participate in missions supported by the church. The program will conclude with a Thursday evening meal for families featuring highlights from the week’s activities.We would encourage you to pray for our Vacation Bible School program this summer. Scripture clarifies that we often ‘do not have because we do not ask.’ Please pray that God would use VBS in the lives of our children as well as send us opportunities to reach out to those around us. And we would also ask you to consider serving. Cornerstone’s four day VBS program is a tangible way for you to actively serve in the local church. If you have a desire to serve or have any questions regarding our upcoming VBS, please feel free to contact me at We look forward to seeing you this summer at VBS!Many Thanks!Matthew Elliott