Dear Church Family,One of the very important things we are called to do as a church family is to care for one another. After all, this is one of our core values - taken right out of Acts 2:43-47. This is one of things I love the most about our church family - how we genuinely care for one another.Thanks to some wonderfully gifted women in our congregation, there are some new ways for us to care for one another in a very tangible way and that is through our meals ministry. Meals are being set up for those who are caring for loved ones, those who are recovering from surgery and those who have new babies at home. One of the many ways you can show the love of Christ here at Cornerstone is by simply taking some food to a brother or sister in Christ.Here's what we need you to do to be a part of this important ministry. Make sure the church office has all of your contact information. We will be sending out a majority of these opportunities through the CCB communication system - for that we need your correct email address.If you would like to care for individuals in our congregation in other ways, such as visit some of our home bound members, please call the church office and we would love to get you connected with these folks.“For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.” (Hebrews 6:10 ESV)by His grace and to His praise,Wilson