Dear Friends,Merry Christmas! I don't know about you, but I am thoroughly enjoying Advent at Cornerstone. It has been a wonderful and worshipful time as we celebrate the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.There are several items about which I would like to update you. First, please continue to pray about the officer nomination process. This is an important time in the life of our church as we ask the Lord to raise up leaders. Please pray for the spiritual protection of these men and their families as the take up this new responsibility. You can find more information about the process by visiting:, as we are nearing the end of the year, please remember the church in your year-end giving. Also, be on the lookout next week for an important letter that will be mailed out to you to update you on important year-end information regarding the church's finances and plans with the new property.Finally, we have had some wonderful services thus far in our Advent celebration. Please sure to check them out in case you were not able to make it. Additionally, we will have our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 5pm. This year we are doing something different as we will have A Service of Lessons and Carols that will feature a selection of Scriptures and hymns that celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ.Merry Christmas!See you Sunday!Your friend and pastor,Wilson