Pastor's Corner - Affirming Biblical Marriage
Dear Friends,These are strange times in which we are living. Perhaps strange is not the right word, maybe troubling is the word I'm looking for. Specifically, it seems that everything I have read in the news this week has followed the principle: "what's wrong is right and what's right is wrong." I can certainly see where a believer could see these things and become discouraged and troubled in spirit. What do we do? How do we respond to these things?
The words of the Apostle John are helpful here when he says, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever." (1 John 2:15-17 ESV)
One of the troubling things that has occurred right here in our state this past week is the legalization of same-sex marriage. Many of us thought we would never see the day that Alabama would adopt this position while others knew that this day was coming. It is disturbing news. How does the church respond? With that question in mind your Session wanted to issue the follow affirmations to you about biblical marriage to equip you and encourage you.
Dear Flock,
It is all the more important for us, as the body of Christ, to affirm that marriage is a "covenant" and not just a license issued by the state. Before God, we do not recognize same-sex marriage as an actual marriage even though our governing body can provide a document that simply acknowledges a legal or civil union between two persons. This document is not a biblical covenant before God and His church.
To be clear, our position on marriage is the position of the Bible and is set forth clearly by our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America. The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is subject to and subordinate to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inerrant Word Of God, consists of its doctrinal standards set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, and the Book of Church Order. These are the standards by which we define biblical truth.
With regards to marriage and it's biblical definition, we look the the Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 24:1 which states, "Marriage is to be between one man and one woman." The entire chapter is full of biblical wisdom and clarity of what a true Christian marriage is. Please click here for a copy of the WCF that is furnished with Scripture proofs. Furthermore, the Westminster Larger Catechism clearly states in question 139 what sins are forbidden in the seventh commandment.
Additionally, the PCA Book of Church Order, Chapter 59 states, "Marriage is to be between one man and one woman, in accordance with the Word of God." Please click here for a complete copy of the BCO. In this chapter you will find ample, practical wisdom on The Solemnization of Marriage.
Finally, the General Assembly of the PCA has stated the following position on homosexuality when requested by the media:
Homosexual practice is sin. The Bible teaches that all particular sins flow from our rebellious disposition of heart. Just as with any other sin, the PCA deals with people in a pastoral way, seeking to transform their lifestyle through the power of the Gospel as applied by the Holy Spirit. Hence, in condemning homosexual practice we claim no self-righteousness, but recognize that any and all sin is equally heinous in the sight of a holy God.
The PCA is committed to the sanctity of human sexual relationships. We believe God’s intent and design in creation was that male and female would be complementary, that the privilege of sexual expression would be between a male and female only, and this expression would be only in the context of marriage. Therefore, any heterosexual or homosexual behavior or relationship that does not conform to God’s design does violence to the human spirit and distorts God’s intent for men and women.
We believe our prayer now needs to be for the purity of the Church and for evangelical Christians to affirm, more than ever, what we believe God's Word teaches on these matters and how the Church, more than ever, needs to guard the truth and the sanctity of marriage. Let us also not make this issue a wall of hostility that prevents us, the Church, from reaching out to, loving, and befriending sinners. As we have learned in our study of the Sermon on the Mount, only when we see that we are sinners and yet God showed His love for us by Christ dying for us (Romans 5:8) - can we then show love to the world. And with that knowledge, we are to love others, not love their sin, but love them with divine love, agape love. Our prayer is that the Church would love sinners and dine with them, as Jesus did - not approving of what they are doing or what they have done, but seek to reach them with the Gospel.
Let's join in prayer - praying for our children and for the church, that they will have a biblical view of marriage and marry spouses who hold to these same convictions.
Please contact any of us if you have any other questions.
In Christ,
The Session of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church